
Thursday 30 November 2017

CQC Detox Facilities Report

Care Quality Commission have carried out their first inspections of privatised NHS services, the detox facilities. Did the politicians factor in the risk factors involved in privatisation of vital services and the cost to patients lives.  Did they look at the threat to human life, or were they just looking at saving money during a population explosion.

The risks to patients requiring clinical care have increased in the hands of the private sector, due to the lower standards being provided with cost cutting everywhere. Stop privatising the NHS, stop cutting budgets for national healthcare. Bring these services back into public hands.

Detox facilities giving people too many pharmaceuticals.

While NHS England decide what patients won't be allowed to have.

Check out the APRIL Charity, a charity worth supporting.

Also did you know that CQC's budget was also cut by 25% and then they increased the cost of their inspections by 75%, you couldn't run a business like it. It's only because they have the monopoly on inspections, that they can get away with charging what they do.

Ultimately, our people are paying for what the politicians and their policy advisors have done, and sadly, some have paid with their lives. It's not just the Conservatives either, as the privatisation was going on during the Blair/Brown times too.

SOS Activists

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