
Friday 1 December 2017

87% of Suicides on Antidepressants

"more than 87% of people were taking antidepressants at the time of death". Figures published last week in the Evening Telegraph in Scotland.

Families should sue NHS England and the drug companies.

Jesus warned us about Herod's court and the Pharisees. Herod executed his wife, and his two sons. Did you know that Herod's mother was the daughter of an Arab Sheik. There was a very important reason why Jesus warned his worthy healers about those that came from Herod's court.

Who developed CBT, Aaron Beck in Philadelphia, (USA) academics, professors, clinicians throughout Europe have concluded that the CBT stats do not stand up to academic scrutiny. It's an American system, Americanisation of our NHS. In 2014, there was a conference challenging IAPT CBT in England.

Now take a look at the APRIL Charity, that have been campaigning against these drugs. This charity is worth supporting.

17 years ago I tried to attain support for opening healing centres for young people that were depressed and suicidal.  Angels Healing Trust, As Dr Bob Johnson found out, if you are successful at what you do, it is very difficult to attain funding and the support required to give the appropriate help. Why, so many people, organisations and charities support the drug companies, so many different stakeholders involved in the UK and America.

So in 2005, I had to move on, as I couldn't afford to invest anymore time in trying to get it up and running, and the divine plan was calling for the next urgent phase of the mission of compassion and mercy. The following year I launched "Spiritual Psychology", at London Excel, and gave a talk on it.

Spiritual Psychology, that incorporates the successful work with poor families, after that I was sent to Israel to call a gathering.

Although in 2007, another opportunity was shown to me, once again, I spoke to business people about raising the funds to open a local healing centre for poor people to receive free complimentary medicine treatments with the opportunity to work with this former consultant to Sure Start.

Once again, the rich were not willing to give, they were asking to make a profit out of it, and this heart of integrity said no.

Do you see what's happening, with the privatisation of the NHS, the companies involved are people making a profit out of our national healthcare, while people are dying in increasing numbers with pharmaceutical drugs involved.

The NHS is being Americanised and those that have done their research have seen what has happened to the people in America. Is that how you would like England to end up, like America, I don't think so. The EU tried to standardise healthcare across Europe, to fit the American system, and it hasn't worked. Just this week the Care Quality Commission have issued their report on the state of the facilities being provided by the privatisers.

We require services that support the NHS, not take away from it's original intention for being. No more private companies hiding behind the NHS logo and brand name.

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