
Sunday 1 October 2017


On the 27th of September, 2017, I received what one can consider as a warning dream.

It involved a meeting with people that were sitting at a table. The woman on my left thought that she was "snitching" about a woman that refused to take pharmaceuticals, especially drugs prescribed for "pain" etc.

I viewed what she was saying as breaking international privacy laws, and confidentiality, so wasn't happy about it, due to my human right to choose what I put inside my body.

Then there was a  man on my right, and he said, "you have to respond", and I said, "what shall I do", he replied, "send a legal letter, defend yourself legally, don't allow her to say that about you".

Since I had that dream, there is a new leader of UKIP, a legal man too, ex-military, ex-police officer, Henry Bolton.  It will be interesting to see what evolves, due to the EU's involvement in the health of our people in the UK. How the EU have been involved in trying to standardise healthcare throughout Europe, and remember the German Bayer, corporation also took over Monsanto.

Since that dream, we've had a Professor Baker, state the NHS is not fit for purpose for the 21st century, while they continually privatise it and it's also the "flu jab" season. If we look at the stats on flu jabs, deaths have increased instead of decrease, so why spend so much public finance upon that!

We also know that the body doesn't like being pierced, veins don't like being pierced, I still get bruising coming from vein a year after a blood test is taken. Ponder upon the damage that piercing does to the body and it's dynamic systems. Piercing accidents in my youth to the left hand, also resulted in a swollen bone.

A dog bite, and a nail went into that hand. It began due to the combination of the two physical injuries. Of course, I was given tetanus injections for both at the time. We also know scientifically that cuts in childhood mutates genetics, the science on that was featured in the May 2006 issue of New Scientist.

In the dream the woman couldn't do what she was trying to do because she didn't have the full case history of the person that she thought she did.

In dream interpretation, to dream of a table in a work environment can mean an improved status due to intellectual achievements. Any dreams that include the mention of pharmaceuticals, can be a dream of contrary, and there is certainly contradicting indications in the medical profession.

Where there are contradicting indications on the safety of a drug, don't take it, unless your life depends upon it. Make sure that you know what you are taking, prior to putting it into your mouth, as many people have been "poisoned by the pharmaceuticals". Some people have even died right after being given a flu jab.

It was found that 70% of the people that take Naproxen experience an allergic reaction to it, within a month. That means those drugs are "toxic" for the natural self-healing systems in your body. If you have to take any pharmaceutical's, you then have to continually detoxify your bodies due to it.

There are natural "pain relievers", that you can eat, and seeds metabolise the fastest.

With the dream of health, and all the health articles combined with what's happening with BREXIT, in the UK, let's take a look at what the planets are doing in my chart this month.

In my life cycle I am still in a nine year, of completion and divine love in a particular reality.  Hence, it is a time of moving on, and that has certainly been the case. One of the aspects of nutrients is that if a pregnant mother has any mineral deficiencies, that then impacts upon the health of the child, even their eyesight and developmental growth. In China they did some studies on children that had a chronic manganese deficiency, and how that had impacted upon their development and growth.

There is far more to the human body, than most medics currently understand. Most medical professionals try to do their best, but they don't have all of the answers. Science evolves like everything else, creation evolves, and evolution creates.

Today, in the news is Jacob Rees-Mogg and his pharmaceutical investments in Indonesia. I think that Catholic Jacob Rees-Mogg should read his bible, as it is clearly against pharmaceutical medication, and those that can take the soul with it. If you are going to be an investor Jacob, at least make sure it is ethical.

Jesus supports natural remedies, as all of his healers do, of course, you have to be a healer to know that. Even Solomon loved the nutrients in food that he was given by the ladies, wisdom greater than Solomon, wisdom more precious than rubies.

Jesus the Jew gave clear instructions to his healers to find a person that was worthy to finance the worthy, so then Jacob Rees-Mogg, how many natural healers have you sponsored, how many natural healers did you help and support in the name of Jesus.

Did one become a thousand healers in your hands Jacob, I don't think so. It requires radiant healing hands to do that, it required a creative portfolio of successful creativity, and successful case histories.

It required more than money, as wisdom is more precious than money, it required the right talents and skills to make it happen with divine blessing as foretold. It required a tree of life experience, for length of days to come to be. So let us strengthen the hands of those that are worthy to be strengthened, for Zion defends.

More news today, while Theresa May is trying to woo the younger voters with a financial incentive, in Poland, they have reduced the retirement age, to 60 for women and 65 for men.

Reducing the retirement age is bucking what is going on in other European countries, reducing the retirement age, also frees up jobs for younger people. That's a great way to do it Poland, I totally agree with you and your choice Poland. So glad that at least one European country has the courage to stand up to the EU on retirement age. Fantastic Poland, really great.

1 comment:

  1. They're now saying that because people are not investing in private pension plans, they will have to work until the age of 80 in the UK. 1. Most people can't afford to invest pension plans, due to the high cost of living. 2. People have seen what the financial men did to the pensions of those that did invest in it and the younger generations are not up for it. 3. I knew what the financial men were going to do and warned people in advance about it in the 90's.
