
Saturday 30 September 2017

Davdi Kurten on British Education

I like David Kurten from UKIP, this is his speech at the UKIP conference on the state of British education, and how America has impacted upon our universities. Although there should be a bigger and more in-depth discussion on the history of our country. Don't let the Christians think that we have forgotten, because we haven't. Rome invaded our country.

As you will see UKIP have decided to rebrand, with a new logo, and a new leader, ex-military man, ex-police, Henry Bolton. Although the Lion logo does suit our David Kurten.

This is the new UKIP leader, Henry Bolton.

In the meantime, things have changed a lot in the UK. BREXIT has been a dividing issue and so has Islam. A lot of people voted for BREXIT and one of the major aspects of it, has been immigration, and Islamic immigration, that has been a creeping invasion of our country. On that I can agree with Ann Marie Waters, the founder of Shariah Watch.

In the video of David Kurten, he mentioned how the Chinese like to come to our universities, maybe someone should tell Henry Bolton that in China, the Qur'an is being removed from the homes of Muslims by the Chinese government.

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