
Monday 2 October 2017

Diversity Outcome in Canada

Professor Gad Saad has responded to the most recent "terrorist attack", in Edmonton, in Canada, and especially in response to his countries leaders. "Political correctness is an affront to human dignity. It is leading Canada into an abyss of unimaginable misery". 

The latest "attack" has been from a man from Somalia. My response is that human dignity is non-negotiable, so is integrity, ethics and privacy.

We cannot negotiate with an Islamic ideology, that is intent on world domination. Western countries have to defend themselves against the Islamic invasion that brings violence with it.

At least some of us have the courage to respond, and make the position clear, we will not be brow beaten by political correctness, it's politicians or it's liberals. "The point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping". 

Furthermore, it is written that Jesus the Jew said "Love your enemies", he didn't say, "Live with them".

News just in that there has also been another incident at a music festival in Las Vegas.

While all that has been going on, Richard Branson is doing business with Saudi. We know what happened to Branson's island don't we. Perhaps he should read the Isaiah island prophecy that yours truly distributed in 2010.

Also, Islamic prophecy says that Islam will be pushed all the way back to Saudi from whence it came.

What a thing to wake up to on a Monday morning. I like Professor Gad Saad, he reminds me of Melchizedek.

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