
Sunday 17 September 2017


A painting that began in 2015, and was finished in 2016, a painting for a young English child Rupert, that had arrived on the planet.

Sometimes when I spread the paint, I have no intention for what it is to be, I just allow the picture to emerge while spreading the paint. I like to try out different materials, and this painting is on cork. Uploading a scan of it for Jewish New Year, 5778.

A great song for all of the friends in the world.

Although I do have other paintings with trees in the mandalas. In this painting I saw the child as the sun in the centre of the tree of life, and that all the branches were different families, and the leaves were the friends that would come into the child's life to support him during his life on the planet.

While painting on the cork, the colour and texture reminded yours truly of Rupert the Bear, I feel the child will be very arty and also be connected with nature. The child will have a very sunny personality and that is why so many friends will be attracted to share his life, he will be very popular wherever he goes due to his outgoing personality and character.

Just like Rupert the Bear, children will love him. He's the kind of child that will say to his mum, when she asks him to do something,  "Mum, I'm busy, I've got things to do", he's an old soul. Big smiles!


Size A3

There is water in the painting around the son, that could indicate that the child will like being close to water, watching and getting involved in water sports. This will be the sports that the child will be drawn too, he will carry on a legacy that is deep within his heart and soul. The next generation of children that will master the waves of life, powerfully energetic, and incredibly positive. 

I heard recently that the child has a sibling now, so another painting will have to be done. In a different family, another child. So I have plenty of paintings to do for the new children that have arrived on the planet. 


This mandala was for a young American Christian following a message received from his mother. As you can see it is another tree, a fruit tree. He won't forget the time in his life when a bird came to forewarn him of what was coming to be, or what happened afterwards. The painting was to remind him of his mother's message, a message that is dear to his heart. A divine intervention.

A young man closely connected with nature, definitely St Francis of Assisi energy with him pushing him forward with being close to nature and all living things. The last time we spoke, he shared his news, that his wife had returned to him, and they had another child together. Both had grown through the life experience. 

Size A4 

This tree mandala was for another American Christian, a pine tree for a woman for a special time of year when the lights start to go on. Lighting up time! 

The Jewish New Year, this year will 5778, and that compounds to 9, when I am in a 9 year of my life cycle. In my reality, 9 is the numeric of completion and divine love. Shalom. I am sure that there will be lots more tree of life paintings. As there is the energy of growth all around yours truly. 

"She is a tree of life to those that take hold of her; those that hold her fast will be blessed" Proverb 3:18 "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and the one that is wise saves lives". Proverbs 11:30

The power of nature, and the impact upon our lives, when we nurture the environment, it nurtures us right back. When we are tender with our bodies, our bodies are tender right back. 

Creating our healing gardens with loads of nutrients, brings the nutrients into our lives in a very powerful way. It's like a new painting, brings a new energy to be enjoyed. The Tree of Life Experience, the Tree of Life that grows. The herbs that came from my garden yesterday was fresh coriander and fresh basil. Oh yes, let us not forget the Olive Tree painting. 


What's for breakfast, Greek yogurt, poppy and fennel seeds, cinnamon, ground almond and cherries.

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