
Sunday 17 September 2017

Dr Eric Berg on Insulin

People were made to process food, not eat processed foods. People were born to be lean, so if you are not lean, then there is a very important reason why, and you must look at it deeply, at your lifestyle, and that which you eat. 

What's for lunch, I've had some chicken liver and black olive pate, (it has lots of butter, garlic in it and some brandy). 

I had one slice of brown seed bread with butter, with half the slice of bread thickly covered in the pate. I am boiling some eggs to have some egg mayonnaise with a herb salad that will include watercress, spinach, dill, chives and basil. I shall sprinkle it with some hemp oil, garlic and sesame seeds. 

Some more carrot and coriander soup that includes some garlic, ginger, turmeric, juice of a whole orange, a little honey, rock salt and black pepper to taste. When hot, sprinkled with a little cheese. Overall, a light lunch, and easily digestible. Just think of it this way, the lighter the food in weight, the faster it metabolises, that is why seeds metabolise much faster than other foods. 

The lighter the food in weight, the lighter and easier impact upon the boldily systems. The older that you get, it is really important that you don't overwork your body.

If you overwork your body, it doesn't work as efficiently as it can work, your own bodies systems are dynamic when you help them to be. A very powerful self-healing system we all have, if you take the right action at the right time. You can defend your bodies from infection, with garlic and cinnamon. Build up your self-healing system with the appropriate nutrients, quality is far more important than quantity.

For early dinner I fancy some trout fish with spinach in butter and garlic, some saute potatoes cooked in butter, olive oil, and rosemary. I accept that some of my food recommendations are not suitable for vegans, that is their lifestyle choice.

Vegans always remind yours truly of the vegan farmer that began having back issues, and when he started drinking goats milk, the back issues stopped. He certainly learnt something from that exercise in life experience. Sometimes you have to introduce something new for the body to experience, especially if you are having any health issues, you have to give the body healthy boosters from nutrients.  Specific nutrients and foods have a specific reason for being, as both the Greek Hippocrates and French Nostradamus discovered, both were healers. 

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