
Saturday 16 September 2017


Dog culture in Tel Aviv in Israel, they even have a dog beach. Remember the dog licked it!

What's for lunch today, I had some homemade carrot and coriander soup, sprinkled with some cheese.  I've made some chicken liver pate with black olives for my second course. After that I shall have some watercress, fresh herbs, goats cheese, egg mayonnaise, and marinated herring in dill.

Chicken liver, herring, and egg mayonnaise reminds yours truly of the Jewish owned restaurants in London. 

My fruit today is cherries and banana, although there was the juice of an orange in my soup. 

Pomegranates are also on the menu this weekend with nectarines and white grapes.

When you get to my age, you have to eat little and often, as it is far easier for the body to digest.

It's Jewish holiday time coming around again, and I am looking forward to receiving a full body massage next week, that will be a really wonderful and well deserved treat for my physical at Jewish New Year. A time of releasing the last year, and moving on into the new Jewish year with a fresh start.

My news is that my three lemon sprouts that were repotted, have peeped above the soil. God willing, I shall have three lemon trees next summer and I also have a new grape vine. More turmeric leaves are coming up through the soil too. It's so lovely to see it all grow, and the heads of red cabbages should be appearing soon, I do like red cabbage.

Onwards and upwards with growing food in our healing gardens, with health and nutrition at the fore of our lives.

The New Jewish Year will be 5778, and that compounds to 9 in a year when I am in a 9 year of my life cycle. 9 is the numeric of divine love and completion. I do have a tree of life painting that was created a couple of years ago for a friends child. I will take a computer photo of it when we have daylight again, and upload it to show it to you.

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