
Thursday 14 September 2017

HIPPOCRATES "Let food be thy medicine"

Some great quotes from Hippocrates.

"Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food". "Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there also is a love of humanity". "Declare the past, diagnose the present, foretell the future".

The Island of Kos, I remember it, a lovely Greek Island. The Greeks have the longest life span in Europe and it is credited to the way that they live their lives, including what they eat. Of course people that live in sunnier climates in Europe, do have some great sunshine for their bodies.

What we find in the UK, is that the NHS is having difficulty in recruiting doctors, and doctors and nurses are leaving, with some leaving the country altogether.

In this century that was born in wisdom, I view the medical profession as a rescue service and the rescue services in our European countries are incredibly important to the security of the nation. 

What I have witnessed in recent decades is that the more insecure the medics have been made to feel, due to job insecurity, and funding cuts; the more health insecurity there is amongst patients and there is a huge amount of factors involved. 

I remember the days when doctors would say to some patients, "There is nothing that we can do to help you", those patients then came like a flood into complimentary medicine and to healers asking for help. 

Indeed, help was given, and miracles were experienced, although times have changed, and less people now can afford alternatives due to the cost of the standard of living that has soared in recent decades.  Also these days people of my generation, are often told, "It's normal", due to our age, and it's rare for appropriate treatment being offered due to the cuts to the funding of the NHS. 

Whenever there are funding cuts, it is always the poor that suffer the most, due to it becoming the survival of the fitness, people that can afford it, have alternatives, due to the fact that they can afford alternative services, and that includes healthcare for very serious cases. 

Rich people can fly anywhere in the world to receive the best healthcare, the best doctors, and the best technology, the poor cannot, and do not have the same healthcare facility that the rich do. 

As such, there is no equality. Not even in healthcare, and it has been an interesting investigation, into what is happening to our people due to successive governments that have been intent on privatisation of the NHS. 

Yea, Richard Branson and Tony Blair, and Richard Branson supported Obamacare, that has made the cost of healthcare sky rocket in America. Even people that own their own small businesses in America, can't afford the insurance policies being offered. Healthcare for a family in America is the cost of having a monthly mortgage in the UK. Then compare that with the low costs of healthcare in Spain. 

There are no billions to be made by making people better, the pharmaceutical industry live off of the backs of the poor, and so does Richard Branson and his business empire that is involved in privatisation of British healthcare. The EU has also been involved in the plan to standardise healthcare throughout Europe, and experienced academics are challenging some of the services that have been imposed upon our people. Patients are challenging it too! 

During my life, I've met two guys that worked for pharmaceutical companies, both shared their stories, and their heart of integrity forced them to leave that industry. At least those two guys had a heart with a conscience.

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