
Friday 15 September 2017


Today I felt compelled to buy a red jacket in a charity shop and I have just seen this case of a young child that passed over this year. Callum Cartlidge, who tragically died after being taken to Worcestershire Royal Infirmary instead of Alexandra Hospital, Redditch. A 19 mile journey despite living just two minutes from Alexandra Hospital.

You might wonder why I have connected the jacket with the child, it's because the people that marched for Callum and to save their Alexandra Hospital were wearing the same colour. The march was organised by our NHS Worcestershire and Save Alexandria Hospital.

Whenever I wear that jacket, I will think of Callum and his family, as a reminder of the cost to life, that NHS cuts are co-creating. On February 28th the GP diagnosed the child with tonsillitis, and stomach ache.

On the 2nd of March, he had low blood sugar and was taken to Worcestershire hospital and discharged. The following afternoon he suffered a cardiac arrest. It would be interesting to know exactly what pharmaceuticals that eight year old had been given. Prior to, and during his medical care.

The news report shares with us that the post-mortem revealed that the child had Addisonian Crisis, a life threatening illness, requiring immediate emergency treatment, when Addison's Disease is left undiagnosed. The inquest is being held on the 7th of December, 2017.

Addison Disease is about the adrenal gland, and one of the clear signs is skin discolouration.'s_disease

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