
Thursday 14 September 2017


The message that I received this morning as I was waking up is "Cataracts". That then links in to the recent nightmare of doctors. In the blogpost, I also mentioned Lutein, and Saffron being very important for the eyes.

In that video Dr Eric Berg mentions one of the symptoms of not getting enough air. That is how I felt when I suffered from "NAPROXEN pharmaceutical poisoning for eleven days" in 2016.

I had to have the window open all of the time, so that I could breathe. Due to what happened, I found myself putting my head out of the window to get more air, my body was suffering from a lack of oxygen due to what the drug had done to my body. 

When the paramedics were called out after three days of the allergic reaction they said, it wasn't due to the pharmaceutical. After the poisoning, the large rash appeared upon my chest and breasts, that proved the paramedics wrong, and I showed the rash to the GP.  70% of patients that are given NAPROXEN find that they experience an allergic reaction to that pharmaceutical. 

I already knew that I was allergic to the pharmaceutical but it hadn't been written on my medical records until the second allergic reaction, and I instructed that it must be written down due to the eleven day emergency that it had created. 

Toxic drugs like Naproxen will impact upon your normal bodily functions. Those pharmaceuticals will put your endocrine system in a "stressful" state, the body becomes "distressed" when it cannot do what it was made to do and it goes into overdrive.

So for instance I couldn't eat properly for eleven days, due to the drug making me as sick as a dog. All I could drink was water, with lemon in it, and towards the end of the allergic reaction, I could get some Greek yogurt into my body. The more Greek yogurt I could get into my body, the better I began to feel. 

In 2013, there was a medical study done in America, and they found that Greek yogurt, real Greek yogurt works on that area of the brain that impacts on pain and emotion. My view is that it also helps the body to combat the distress it is encountering, as it is very soothing for the body.

In that video above, Eric also mentions the adrenals, and celery is great for detoxifying the adrenals. I am fortunate that I like fresh celery, and celery soup, celery in different soups. I've even grown celery this summer, and it is very easy to grow in the UK, as it likes lots of water. 

Although Eric recommends cranberry, lemon, and vinegar. I was born in trauma, when the cord was cut to short, ten days later there was an hernia operation. Interesting then that afterwards, the child, would suck lemons, and vinegar out of onions and gherkins. My parents thought it strange at the time, as babies don't usually like sour tasting food.

However, clearly, the soul is intuitive, and knew what was required for it's body. Hence, these healing foods are very important for post-operative procedure due to the sheer amount of distress that is caused to the body due to operative procedure. Fact is that the body does not like being cut and the soul is very sensitive. 

Spiritual people involved in health, know that the soul leaves the body during operative procedure, and it can take some time for the soul to get back into the body after operative procedure. 

Experienced healers also know that sometimes the soul can fragment due to operative procedure. Just like it can due to any other type of trauma e.g. car accidents. Remember what Jesus said about the soul and that people are not a commodity.

I do eat cranberries, I like dried cranberries in dark chocolate. Although another great fruit for the eyes is English plums, and prunes. My mum used to give us prunes in custard to get the nutrients inside us. Although all of my family wore glasses. I don't wear them all of the time, usually only when I go out, as I require them for long distance. My eyes have done great really, last year I had my first prescription change in 20 years, so I've certainly been doing something right. As cataracts is one of the conditions related to age and the ageing process. 

I did have to have some eye drops for my eyes this year, due to what happened when a woman spat into my eyes; Thursday prior to Easter holiday. Interesting then that Jesus the healer was also spat at.

That was no coincidence. 

Dr Eric Berg reminds me of a dream that I had years ago, of the English and Americans healing together. We were all outside a major pharmacy in my location, and I had just bought some jeans. 

Hence, those that are doing great healing work together are outside of the pharmacy and the medical profession that feeds the pharmaceutical corporations.   

BI Deficiency

Dr Berg recommends "Yeast", I don't recommend "yeast" at all. In fact, it was found that those people that felt sick on the Dr Atkins diet was due too much yeast in their bodies and that was causing candida. They had to clear their bodies of "yeast', prior to ketosis and transforming their bodies back to a fat burning metabolism from a sugar burning metabolism for energy. 

Interesting then that the sugar is mentioned again in the BI deficiency. So then shouldn't doctors be able to do a urine test on what you are deficient in, I think so. Although Eric has pointed out some of the symptoms that you can easily recognise. 

Your body communicates to you what it can, to help you to comprehend what is going on in the body. Although a lot in the body is triggered by physical trauma, and it's distress. Chiropractor, Dr Nimarta Paul in practice in Scotland, confirmed that people with back conditions, all have a history of some physical trauma. 

A different doctor in America, (and a Reiki Master), also discovered that loud noises, loud banging, sound changes DNA. If you have been involved in a serious car crash, as I have, there is certainly a loud noise that impacts upon the body. 

BI Food - Thiamin 

One of the foods that I have included in my diet on a regular basis is fresh Asparagus. This week I had a plate of it covered in butter, garlic and sesame seeds.  I eat Asparagus to assist the body to release the water retention. 

I also eat fish as much as I can afford to do. Trout is definitely on the menu this week. Trout is great with almonds, delicious. 

I'm also taking a saffron supplement with marigold for my eyes. So the mention of "cataracts" today, reminds me to take my nutrients. It's very expensive, so I am just trying it for now. I like to give different remedies and therapies at least six months, to see how effective they are. 

Yours truly, is also growing saffron in my healing garden, this mum's garden includes saffron. I managed to get my saffron bulbs from Suttons, Suttons are known for quality in England and the saffron bulbs were on special offer. I managed to get my saffron bulbs just at the right time. 

It's definitely going to be trout for the Jewish New Year holidays this year. I bought some apples and honey too, just for fun. Do you remember in England when children would eat toffee apples, I must admit I did like toffee apples. I bought some cider apple vinegar yesterday too, and ate £4 of fresh cherries because the power of the cherry is incredible. Although they are very expensive. 

I also found some tinned black cherries, so it will be interesting to see what impact they can make too. I find myself eating a lot of dates at this time, (dates for manganese) and an occasional pomegranate. I bought a pomegranate yesterday, as it always reminds yours truly of Israel, while I was in Israel I was gifted with some pomegranates to bring home. 

I also ate a lot of pomegranates when I was a child, it was one of my favourite fruits. Sophia and I liked our pomegranates, we would go to the market together, and buy the best fruit that we could find. Gran used to say that a little of what you fancy does you good. That is certainly correct. 

What else have I been eating, FENNEL SEEDS and apparently there was a study done on the power of fennel for the eyes. I like my seeds on my Greek yogurt. Fennel is also pain reliever.

Now as far as the NHS England is concerned, they say that they don't know what causes it, and they also say that the NHS cannot provide any prevention for cataracts.  Best we trust in the holy Spirit instead of the NHS then. It can take up to ten years prior to people requiring an operation for cataracts, so there is plenty of time for people to work on prevention, and reversing the start of it. 


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