
Monday 18 September 2017

GIN "anti-inflammatory"

While training people in Reiki healing, sometimes I was given the "Gin" as something that a person should take to help them. Behold the Gin, that was in history a medicinal herbal remedy for joint issues. Gin being flavoured with juniper berries, with anti-inflammortary compounds.

Medicinal use dates back to the Greeks and Romans, then if you combine the gin with sultanas, hey bingo, many people have spoken of success with this remedy. "Vit K is also essential as it prevents improper calcification of the joints."  Read more about it's potential, although everything in moderation.

Gin soaked raisons to alleviate joint pain, much better than taking pharmaceuticals.

I like snacking on sultanas, and Gin is my preferred Spirit, if and when I can afford some. I like a gin and tonic with basil leaves and lemon or lime juice. A nice long juniper drink.

"Instead of the thorn bush, the juniper will grow, and instead of briars the myrtle will grow. This will be for the LORD"s renown, for an everlasting sign, that will endure forever". Isaiah 55:13

IMHV, what he is saying is that instead of rose gardens, healing gardens will grow. Although roses do provide a wonderful fragrance to wear, and Indians use rose water in cooking too. I like to put some rose water on my brow and face while bathing with coconut oil.

Interesting that while I was in Israel, I stayed with a couple, and the husband used to grow roses professionally, that was a timeline of the changes happening on the planet, a decade ago.

Bible prophecy foretold that nothing like this has ever happened before and nothing will happen like it again. It's a one-off timeline, one aspect of that is the speed of delivery, and how quickly people can receive information on the internet. Remember the song, there's no stopping it now, the word of the LORD has spread, like spreading paint on a canvas.

1 comment:

  1. I began my golden sultanas in gin, a month ago and it has been a great success. I just have to make sure that I have plenty of gin and golden sultanas in soak, so that I can have some every day. The impact upon the carpal tunnel syndrome has been miraculous.
