
Monday 18 September 2017


I'd just finished my written preparation for tomorrow on the mineral Manganese, and I received this message. 'VEGANS ARE NOT GETTING ENOUGH OMEGA 3's". 

More information on Omega 3's. Interesting that it mentions pregnancy, as I ate so much fish with salads while I was pregnant. What a mother eats while pregnant impacts upon the child that they carry in the womb.

I also had fish three times last week.

Studies have also concluded that a lack of Omega 3's, is also a factor in "breast cancer", "colon, prostate cancer" Cronh's, and Parkinson's.

Vegans say that they can get their Omega 3's from plant sources, I recommend that they read the research on it. For the LORD has spoken, "Vegans are not getting enough Omega 3"s".

A video from Australia on mineral deficiencies. Cause and effect.

Bang on target with the manganese trace mineral, awesomeness.

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