
Sunday 17 September 2017


Jonathan Pie reports on the pay cap and that people in the public sector have not received a pay rise for seven years, nor do they have one now, due to the rise in the cost of living again.

Actually in real terms, salaries haven't increased since the late 80's. That's the cost of EU membership and multiculturalism for you. Not surprising that the British government can't recruit doctors and nurses, when they're offered a much higher standard of living in other countries. I was listening to one young English female doctor and she was on her way to Australia.

In 2007, I was told by a doctors husband that the British government were laying off 8,000 doctors in the NHS in 2007.  It's not surprising is it that there is a humanitarian crisis and hospital closures because they can't get the medical staff for the hospitals and there is huge cost cutting going on.

A lot of those doctors that were laid off in 2007, either went abroad or took their skills into other professions. In olden days, they would've called that a "brain drain". In 2013, over 300,000 care workers were put on zero hour contracts. A zero hour contract is casual labour, and casual labour is not a proper job.

The case of Callum Cartlidge is still on-going.

UKIP's response to what happened at Parson's Green.


Doctors forewarn of a "winter of woe" and NHS England have received the most complaints so far. 

That's it, send your complaints to NHS England, a copy to the BMA and Theresa May. 

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