
Sunday 10 September 2017

Book of Hebrews - Two Rooms

My lounge curtain came down this morning due to the curtain pole, and I did view it as a message. In the book of Hebrews, chapter 9, there is mention of two different rooms with curtains. The first is the Holy Place, that has the lamp stand and table with the consecrated bread.

Today, in the 21st century we might think of that has the kitchen or kitchen/diner.

Behind the second curtain, is the room called the Most Holy Place.

Hope is an anchor for the soul, keeping the soul, firm and secure. Hebrews 6:19. That reminds yours truly of when Jesus gave the mystic St Julian of Norwich, a hazelnut. All nuts are healthy for your ligaments, due to the manganese they hold, and I have nut shapes on my curtains.

After the curtain came down, I finished what I was writing, and then I managed to put the curtain back up again, the way that things manifest sometimes, to give you the message that you must receive. Messages to remind you, that what came down from above, can be put back up again.

I better behave myself, and eat my nuts for my ligaments. What shall I have, I have walnuts, brazils, almonds, cashews and hazelnuts in stock in the holy place. I do like walnut cake, and almond cake too, and don't  forget the cinnamon.

So it is going to be a nutty dinner this evening and a week of nutty recipes. I have some mussels for my joints and some salmon and watercress for my brain. I have some sprouts to finish up and they would be lovely cooked in honey and nuts in the oven with garlic and oats. Eating for nutrients can be an interesting way to live your life when you get to my age, it's very enjoyable. Almond and fruit drinks are great too. So it is a range of ligament recipes next, get those ligaments working full with nutrients.

1 comment:

  1. There has been an incident at the New Jerusalem church in Birmingham, Sunday morning. Three people have been injured.
