
Monday 11 September 2017

Brothers in Arms

For all our musicians that put up such a great fight to defend love through the ages, what you achieved is remarkable.

This video was uploaded on the 11th of September, 2014.

I'm sure that you are aware that Richard Branson is involved in the privatisation of the NHS, and his empire that he has built, is one of the corporations that is gaining from it. So I am not surprised that the buildings on his Necker Island have been destroyed. Necker Island where the Obama's were with Branson, Necker Island that also entertained Tony Blair and others in 2007. The same Tony Blair that took our country to war against a foreign country, our people did not agree with Tony Blair. 

To those that supported the election of Tony Blair, and his war mongering, "You have blood on your hands". The same to those that supported the election of Obama, Obama was involved in war for every year he was in office.

Wisdom was indeed called exactly as prophecy foretold that she would be. It was also in 2010 timeline that the Isaiah Island prophecies were shared. 

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