
Sunday 10 September 2017

Allyson Pollack on NHS Changes

Privatisation of the NHS: Allyson Pollock at TEDxExeter

"How the Health and Social Care Act 2012 abolishes Our NHS". 

1. Removed the duty on Secretary of State to secure and provide health care for all, the abdication act.

2. Introduced insurance structures like the U.S.

3. Gives the Secretary of State legal powers to create a market; allows providers to pick and choose which patients will get care, services to be provided, and what will be charged for it.

In this video uploaded in 2014, Allyson shares that the pressure upon the UK to privatise our NHS has come from America and it's insurance sector. Although I think that American pressure for universal healthcare in America is another factor. Some Americans would like to have a healthcare system like we had in the UK, as it was the best healthcare system in the world.

Obama and Richard Branson's support for Obamacare, no coincidence then that Branson stands to gain a lot from privatising the NHS. Have a listen to what Allyson has to say about it. The Secretary of State in the UK, has the power, and no responsibility for our healthcare system, due to the British government making it a business like it is in America.

Instead of America improving their healthcare by cutting out the middle men of insurance people, America is forcing the UK, to become like America, and that was in agreement with the EU. The EU has been trying to standardise healthcare throughout Europe, and there is an academic backlash.

There are important cultural differences in European cultures, that is why there is higher incidence of some health conditions in some countries and not others. That is why the EU enforcement won't work, that is why the American enforcement won't work, it is just destroying what already exists.

As prophecy forewarned, this calls for a mind with wisdom.

Is Spain on route to have a better healthcare system than the UK, Spain are certainly doing some pioneering work. However, as far as transplants are concerned, remember what Jesus said, "People are not a commodity, without love they become so".

The Spanish tend to be healthier than people in the UK, due to the amount of sunshine they get combined with great food. Historically, they also had their daily siesta. The Spanish have the highest life expectancy in Europe.

Then when you compare the Spanish healthcare system with the American healthcare system, why would any European wish to follow the American's.

The curtain came down.

In the book of Hebrews, chapter 9,  there is mention of two different rooms, the first is the Holy Place, that has the lamp stand and table with the consecrated bread. Today, we would think of that has the kitchen or kitchen/diner.

Behind the second curtain, is the room called the Most Holy Place.

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