
Tuesday 15 August 2017

Civil Rights and Technology

Englishman Paul Joseph Watson on civil rights and American techno giants that have a monopoly on technology and its participants content. American techno giants getting richer upon the backs of the poor. You can't even buy a new mobile without google being on it. American policing of content, and freedom of speech is a civil and human rights issue.

The internet sensation, Americans, Diamond and Silk are talking about suing youtube, and google with Paul Joseph Watson, and Alex Jones. A class action lawsuit.

It's going to be quite a solar eclipse for America this year. Youtube as de-monetised the Conservatives, Diamond and Silk, and their videos. 

The Trump supporters and defenders of Trump and his policies are now finding out what it means to have your civil rights removed by American Liberals themselves. The fact that youtube can pick and choose who they monetise and who they do not, with the huge monopoly that they have, should certainly be looked at by the supreme court. 

If we view youtube as we would a newspaper, advertisers book media space, and which issue. They can align with specific content, but in the publishing industry, they have to pay a lot more for specific space in a newspaper, journal or magazine. The same with television air-time. So for instance people can advertise on a specific page in a newspaper, although that costs a lot more for a guaranteed space. 

Most advertisers don't get too choose, and I'm sure that advertising agencies are not sitting there deciding what youtube videos should get some of their advertising revenue from some of their clients. If advertisers refuse to advertise with youtube due to some of it's Conservative content, then those advertisers and their agencies should look at why they're using that platform in the first place. 

I don't think that I would recommend youtube advertising to any of my clients. I for one, click off from every single advertisement that are put upon the videos. Although I do like some of the old TV advertising commercial clips from decades prior to youtube becoming a reality. However, they are videos in their own right. If I would like to look at a brand, product or service, I go directly to it. Personally, I think that advertisers that create their own content are far more interesting. Little is more.

Although, just for fun, if I had gained as much as Diamond and Silk as from that platform, I would spend some of that cash with youtube by becoming an advertiser that promotes the truth. Come on girls, put your money where your mouths are and call them out.

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