
Thursday 17 August 2017


A prophecy in Isaiah 35, is repeated again in the book of Hebrews 12:12 as far as "strengthening feeble hands and weak knees" are concerned. Then again, if we cross reference again, we find it again in Zechariah 3:16. In that day it will be said Jerusalem, "Do not be afraid, O Zion, do not let your hands fall limp". 

The best thing that a Reiki healer can do, is heal others, and in so doing, they receive a healing treatment themselves. The power of the sun in your hands. At various times in your life, you have to change what you are doing, to achieve the healing that is required.

2017, is a year of completion for yours truly, the end of a nine year life cycle. Every time I think of healing, it reminds this healer of an adorable  little child from Portugal, and how he shouted, "It's Hot", while I was scanning his body with my hands, while beaming the healing energy to him.

In 2018, the new begins working with the hands and knees. The pains of an aching and ageing  body can be alleviated when you put your healing talents and skills into practice, not only to help yourselves, but to help others at the same time. Healing hands have to give healing radiantly to enhance restoration. In February, 2018, it will be Brown Earth Dog Year. Remember the dog licked it!

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