
Tuesday 15 August 2017


Check this out, whole blocks of council flats sitting empty in Chelsea. Those buildings are historic, while the homeless are on the streets, and people from Grenfell are still in temporary accommodation.

These flats have been empty for a year, why didn't the renovation and upgrading begin a year ago when residents were removed. I'm sure that we know the reason why, it's prime real estate.

Actually, they are social housing, William Sutton was a housing association, not council, there is a difference between the two. William Richard Sutton was a businessman, and was born in Cheapside, London in 1833.

He was the founder of the first door-to-door parcel service in the UK, Sutton also had a partnership in Sutton, Carden and Co. it was into brewing, bottling, distilling, hotels, and merchants of wines, tea, coffee, and tobacco. William founded the William Sutton Housing Trust and bequeathed a majority of his considerable wealth to housing the poor in different areas of the UK. 

Williams original housing trust, has merged with other housing associations, was that what his will said to do! It's now Affinity Sutton. It doesn't even have the legacy of his name William in it anymore. Perhaps they would like to change the name of the housing too, and erase his blessed memory and legacy altogether. 

Someone should do a TV documentary on all the rich people that provided property and land to help the poor in recent centuries. Including the buildings and land that was taken over by the NHS that was given for the health of the poor. Also all those buildings and estates that were given to Barnardo's children's charity, for the use of poor children, are no more, anymore. All gone to property developers. 

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