
Thursday 3 August 2017

Amitriptyline and Neurologists

Some neurologists are recommending a pharmaceutical drug for the nervous system and pain relief. The PL Holder is Accord Healthcare Limited, and the drug is called Amitriptyline.

When the neurologist spoke to yours truly about it, I remember him saying that the drug was originally for  people suffering from epilepsy and that they found it had helped people with neurological conditions, so it was worth a try.

Just think of it, they've got children on the front page of their website.

Just because Accord have a company in the UK, doesn't mean that they're an English company.

In 2010, 300,000-400,000 people in the UK had been put on Amitriptyline and Lofpramine. University College London did a study on the pharmaceutical, they tracked almost 15,000 people for around eight years. Dr Mark Hammer said, "Our study is the first to contain a representative sample of the whole community". "The majority of the previous work in this area has focussed on clinical cardiac patients, so studies in healthy participants is very important". 

"Tricyclics have a number of side effects, they are linked to increased blood pressure, weight gain and diabetes and these are all risk factors for cardiovascular disease".

Now due to the high risk factors involved with these pharmaceuticals, they should never be given to people that have lymphedema or any other vascular condition. They should never be given to people that have had family members that have had a heart condition, a stroke, high blood pressure or lymphedema.

The fact of the matter is each medical department is only interested in it's own speciality, and they are not looking at the bigger picture when they are looking at the health of a patient. Even when health conditions overlap. Things have got to change in the medical profession.

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