
Wednesday 2 August 2017


Due to two injuries in my left hand, two piercings, a dog bite while I was at junior school, and due to an accident while viewing a property, when the wooden plank went up and a nail went into my hand.

The two impact injuries,  co-created osteoarthritis in my left hand thumb bone, with the initials YW as a scar where the injuries happened. X-rays have now been taken of my hands, and what I already knew to be true is proven correct.

What I began to notice is that sometimes I could get my rings on, and sometimes I couldn't get them on specific fingers. Towards the end of the menopause I also found that I was experiencing weakness in my wrists and hands, couldn't open jars like I used to be able to do.

Things would slip through my fingers easily, as my grip wasn't as strong as it used to be. I couldn't pick up heavy cast iron pans anymore, so they had to be replaced with much lighter ones. More recently, I've experienced pain in my hands especially when I wake up in the morning.

Interesting that I bought a chicken today to roast. I do like roast chicken, roast potatoes, herb stuffing, and a mix of vegetables. My main meal today, will probably include carrots, kale, and beans. Tomorrow I will make a stir fry, and also a chicken and leek soup with the remainder. Do you remember my dream of the chickens? Also in May 2016, I had a dream of roast chicken after I had been "poisoned" by a medic and his pharmaceuticals. It made me so ill, I had to call out the paramedics, my body was allergic to the drugs.

May 2016, Dream of Roast Chicken

December 2015, Dream of Two Chickens

However, the main reason for this post is the fact that Dr Berg recommends trying something called, "Undenatured Type II Collagen" and I have provided you with a scientific article on it.

The first message received about COLLAGEN was in March, 2016. Collagen and Manganese, that's when my collagen journey began. The food that I eat has changed since then, there have been improvements with extra nutrient boosters. 2017, a nine year in my life cycle, completion, growing herbs, and growing food.

Interesting that the mystic St Julian of Norwich was divinely given hazelnuts, they are strong in manganese, and in spiritual symbology they represent the mother and her hidden wisdom. When the mystic asked "what can this be", the response that she received was, "it is all that is made". So how did she know the difference between "made" and "maid", as both sound the same.

She also wrote, "he made a little thing the size of a hazelnut, I wondered how could it last, for it seemed to me so small, that it might have disintegrated into nothingness." And I was answered, "it lasts, and always will, because God loves it".

"Smaller is better, and smaller is faster". 

That is certainly true of poppy seeds, they metabolise in the body really fast. My view is that God made every nutrient that the body requires. As far as health is concerned, my motto is "Never give up, and never give in", I seem to have spent my life overcoming different health conditions since birth, when this journey with health began. Constant healing and restoration, my own body, it's own laboratory.

"Praise the LORD, all you servants of the LORD, who minister by night in the house of the LORD. Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the LORD. May the LORD bless you from Zion, he who is maker of heaven and earth". Psalm 134. Interesting that there is a lady that visits yours truly in the evening time, and one of our healers came to stay overnight when I had an operation in December. Two healers, caring fully.

The surgeon in the first video is saying that Osteoarthritis is not an "inflammatory" condition, I tend to agree with him on that, although all doctors don't agree on it. You would think there would be an agreement by now, wouldn't you. My thumb bone on my left hand has been enlarged since at least my 30's when I first noticed that it was a different shape to my thumb bone of my right hand.

The enlargement must have happened during the first saturn return after the birth of my son, as we know that the baby was taking the nutrients from my body. Some of my teeth even crumbled while I was pregnant. I also had operative procedure six months after he was born.

When my son had a spare pound, when he was young, he would buy me a £1 box of dates, as he knew that I liked them. He was such a thoughtful and kind child.

1 comment:

  1. This blogpost was made last August in 2017. I have good news to report that in October last year I began taking an old folk remedy with golden sultanas soaked in gin for two weeks. A couple of spoonfuls each day. It really does work. Yippee. The only drawback is that I think I've put on some wait due to eating so many of them. However, it is worth it to be pain free in the hands 98% of the time. I did make a separate post on it, that the LORD had strengthened my hands.
