
Friday 4 August 2017

Psalm 23


It's interesting what can be seen in that painting when you look at it close up in a larger reality. While bathing yesterday I was shown those two colours, golden yellow, sunflower yellow for creativity. Turquoise for spiritual transformation, in the lazuli blue range of healing colours. Blue eyes in blue glasses, everything matching. 


The message received yesterday was WAYFARER, and the dictionary gives the definition of a person that travels on foot, and takes a journey. Certainly, a new journey has begun. There is a location in England, called "Wayfarer's walk".

The 3rd of August was the "Day of Quest", and the 4th of August was the "Day of Guiding Light".

Not long now for the lunar eclipse in Aquarius on the 7th of August, I have it on good authority that flowers are coming. It is 15 degrees of Aquarius, on the 7th, 7 being the life numeric of the spiritual teacher, in the 8th month, 8 = spiritual transformation. 7+8 = 15 again. Interesting as I began full-time work at that age. The numeric of 15 has a deep significance, it's a lucky numeric that can bring many blessings with the ability to shine a light into the darkness, and bring happiness to others.

The numeric of 15 is associated with good communicators, musical and dramatic talents. Personal magnetism, and great charisma. It's also often associated with magical experiences. I can understand why we have been given the flowers for this eclipse, it's a flower power eclipse in Aquarius, the freedom lover with booming creativity, and analytical skills.

The water bearer, that often finds themselves in a situation whereby they have to put the fire out with an outpouring of what is in their hearts. Aquarians have to tell the truth, they have no choice in the matter, for it is how a sun sign Aquarian is made with a huge flower in their heart, a flower that has a beautiful fragrance. Funny that I have been wearing rose water this week, and my roses are certainly in bloom.

A great time to have lemon juice, and lemon thyme on this forth coming eclipse. Oranges, and orange juice. May it be an eclipse filled with citrus fruit filled with the power of sunshine. I've got my lemons, oranges, and limes. I've got my kiwi fruit, white grapes, cherries and bananas. It's going to be a fruity weekend for yours truly.

I've made my chicken brine this morning, it's already for the chicken, leek, potato and coriander soup to be made. Great for the collagen. Oh and don't forget the hazelnuts, walnuts and almonds. I have so much to snack on, little and often. In dried fruit, I have apricots, mango, dates, and sultanas. It is such a wonderful choice, truly magical.

In fact, my lemon thyme massage oil will also be ready for this forthcoming eclipse, I am looking forward to having a massage with that. 

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