
Sunday 11 June 2017


It is quite a few years ago when I was shown Dr Dolittle symbolic of the man that talked with animals.

The UK's 22,000 vets, who care for pets and animals, have a suicide rate almost four times higher than the national average with many suffering in silence as they battle heavy workloads. Research has shown that at least 40% of vets have thought about suicide, the Daily Express report.

Apparently, some vets start work with £100,000 student debt after their five-year course and the majority never earn more than £32,000 a year - less than half the salary of a hospital consultant. You can't pay back that size of debt, provide everything that you require for you and your family on that salary when the cost of living is so high, wherever you live in the UK.

Financial pressure, plus work pressure, plus the pressure of living life, what does Theresa May say about that statistic. It is written that some vets say that "if I was a dog I'd put myself to sleep". Maybe those particular veterinary surgeons chose a career that they were not suited to do and let's face it, who would wish to start their career with that considerable debt. Education equals debt now, and that pressure is too high upon the people.

If you live within your means, then you don't take on that amount of debt, not for education or a career because it is an incredibly heavy weight to carry. Some people just get fed up of carrying the debt, at the same time as trying to live a life with any quality to it. Even when you start a small business, it is best not to take on any debt, it is better to work hard, save up, and then launch a business when you are older and have the career experience to catapult you.

It requires maturity, and young students brains aren't even developed until the age of 25. My view is that people should start work in the field of their choice, prior to deciding on a university training course. Then let students go to university after that at age of 25, when their brains are equipped for it, and they fully comprehend what they're taking on.

I must admit I couldn't be a surgeon, I don't like bloodshed. However, I do like giving healing to animals. So if you would like to work with animals, consider the possibility of becoming a healer and complimentary medicine therapist for animals. There are always alternatives, you don't have to be a surgeon with high debt wishing to put yourself down like a dog.

I've read that some universities in the UK wouldn't survive without foreign students, so it would be interesting to know how many of those vets are foreign vets. How many economic migrants are included in those figures.

Universities invited foreign students, then expanded, then became dependent upon foreign students revenue from their "rich daddies" to fund their ever expanding universities, and in some cases, there are no student fees, to foreign students. 

For instance in Scotland there are no fees to foreign students and it was found in London that loads of student loans were taken and not paid back by foreign students. In fact, there were about 5,000 students that took the money and run, they didn't even attend the degree training course. 

Theresa May didn't close those borders did she, nor did she get that money back from those that took it for education purposes.

Also after academia filled our universities with foreign students, they then had the audacity to make our local communities a student economy, catering for them, and putting everyone else aside. Now they're taking over more and more properties that should be for our homeless to provide them with homes. 

If your chosen career doesn't make your heart sing, then why are you doing it? Why are we allowing foreign students to push up property prices, at the same time as our people are suffering. As we say in London, 'it's not on'.

Our universities were seen to be some of the best in the world, as such, they were marketed to the rest of the world and now we see the consequences of that. Ever expanding universities, with more and more foreign students. Did you know that sometimes there are over 850 applications for 35 places on a degree course. The competition is huge, not just in the work place, but also for education places.

Our children should not have to compete against foreigners and their money, to be able to access university education. Nor should it cost £100,000 to attain such an education. Goodness gracious me in the 70's, you could buy a huge estate for less than that. You could make a small university for that amount of money. 

The fact of the matter is, foreign students are not the same as British students, and some do not respect our culture or way of life, although some do.  "Bullying" has been going on in British universities and colleges for a long time, although the government and it's MP's did not wish to hear about it. 

The fact that some people can see the depth of the "cultural genocide" that is going on is also having an impact upon the psyche of the British and our nation. It's the all round pressure that is pushing people over the edge, our country is in crisis and tensions are high due to political correctness. 

In Ealing people have been evacuated from shopping in Ealing Broadway due to a bomb scare, in Golders Green 70 firefighters have been called to action due to a massive fire, and an easy Jet plane had to have an emergency landing due to another bomb scare. That's all on one day and it's Sunday, meant to be a day for relaxing. 

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