
Sunday 11 June 2017


Painting gifted to English farmers living in Portugal. 

I ate my first homegrown strawberry today, the sweetest strawberry that I've ever tasted. I'm enjoying growing food to eat and tending mum's memory garden with my healing hands. I can recommend it, it is therapeutic and lifts you up in nature and the naturalness of it.

I'm looking forward to growing more as I have big windows, and it is like a greenhouse. Although there is vegetables and fruit growing outside too. Most of my herbs are doing great too, herbs tended with both of my loving hands. Today reminds me of a lovely young couple in Portugal, young farmers. Always in my heart with the children.

My physical energy is low this coming week, so it is a week for the nutrient boosters to boost energy and taking it easy. Eggs are great for boosting energy, and raw food, so lots of salads and herbs, so it is going to be an egg mayonnaise week this week. Eggs for breakfast, to start the day, eggs, tomatoes and baked beans, lovely. I do like English breakfast.

On Sunday when I woke up I was shown rice to eat, so last night I made a lovely rice dish with fresh turmeric. It included some red onion, garlic, sweet pepper, tomato, cooked in toasted sesame oil, with a splash of soya sauce, rock salt and black pepper, with some lovely fresh red basil. I really like red basil.

I'm still eating my UKIP cake, and it includes sesame seeds, walnuts, and poppy seeds. I had run out of butter, so I used coconut oil instead. It is delicious. It's my pain reliever cake. Last week I had the first appointment with the physiotherapy department, another appointment in a couple of weeks.

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