
Sunday 11 June 2017


Investigative journalist James O'Keefe founder of Project Veritas is facing a million dollar law suit. This is the response from James O'Keefe and Project Veritas. Project Veritas have done some brilliant undercover investigative work in America.

It would be excellent to have a Project Veritas in the UK. 

Although CH4 have done some great undercover investigative documentaries. Undercover investigative journalism has existed in the UK for as long as I can remember, so it was great to see the Spirit of it soar in America with James O'Keefe. 

Especially as we had one of the best American teachers of it living and teaching in the UK. The American, Gavin MacFadyen was also a director of Wikileaks prior to passing over.

The best American journalism is detective journalism, although we also have Julian Assange from Australia still in our country until it is safe for him to leave the Ecuadorian embassy. Now the election is over in the UK, perhaps our activists can get back onto putting pressure on the government to secure his release, as the UN have demanded that they do not hold him hostage any longer.

The world becomes a better place due to people like Julian Assange and James O'Keefe, that is why they have our support. Jesus also gave a prophecy about the disclosures that would come to be in the last days of the end times. So if you embrace Jesus, then people have to embrace James and Julian as they and their teams are fulfilling biblical prophecies.

It doesn't take many workers to bring truth to the world, what it does require is the courage, tenacity and devotion to it, to do so. Plus of course the help and support to spread the real news. Support is essential financially and otherwise.  These guys have put their lives on the front line, as such, they deserve your support, as they deserve mine.

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