
Wednesday 7 June 2017

Little Diamonds

More news from London today, this time from Wanstead, a location I often drove through when going to see family in London, I also knew friends that lived in that area, a young couple that got married.

My thoughts are with Wanstead today, a young female nursery worker that was stabbed on her way to work is now in hospital with broken ribs due to what three girls did to her when they attacked her shouting words relating to their religion during ramadan. Schools in the area have been on lockdown due to what happened.

Sending loving thoughts to the young woman known as "Katie", that she makes a speedy and full recovery in hospital.

Remember this that "Violence vexes the Spirit of (the true) God".

"Again, and again, they put God to the test, they vexed the holy one of Israel". Psalm 78:41


"The righteous cry, and the LORD hears and delivers them,
out of all of their troubles". Psalm 34:17

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