
Wednesday 7 June 2017

Diane Abbott Has Been Replaced

Following my dream of Diane Abbott on the 4th of June, 2017, Diane Abbott has indeed stepped down. Jeremy Corbyn says that she is battling with ill health.

Anyone that knows anything about the history of Diane Abbott knows the truth, that woman is a liability. Although at this point, the Labour party have not confirmed whether it is permanent and they have provided a temporary replacement. Can you trust the Labour party, that is for you to decide.

Personally, I think there are still far too many Blairites, and Tony Blair has also been talking about returning. It was Tony Blair's government that introduced the "Work Assessments" that Corbyn is talking about removing.

Corbyn is also talking about removing regulation B13, otherwise known as the "bedroom tax", that most people don't agree with due to the tax being both "unlawful", and "discriminatory".

This year the UN are issuing another in-depth report against the government on the actions they've taken over the housing issues and in 2016, the highest court in the land, the Supreme Court judged the regulation, the "bedroom tax" in the favour of the people and not the politicians that support it.

Corbyn is also demanding that the Cameron report on Saudi funding "Terrorism" be published, people with a heart of conscience and integrity would certainly demand the same.

Some UKIP candidates are talking about the British debt, and the borrowings, and interest paid on it, yet the Conservatives still gave out foreign aid, they even funded giving up smoking courses for people in other countries. Where is the sense in that, if your borrowings are too high, then you can't afford to give anything away from the British purse, simple as that. Good housekeeping and managing the family budget begins at home.

A good analogy was shared on-line, would you feed the neighbours children, instead of your own. Of course not, everyone would feed their own children first. So why is the UK feeding people abroad and giving out British cash when it is not even feeding its own. In Scotland even nurses are having to go to food banks, due to the high cost of living and low incomes.

Also immigration has to be stopped, borders must be closed for at least five years, no more economic migrants, I don't think that Jeremy Corbyn would agree with that, this video was made prior to Diane Abbott being replaced.

Interesting that in the dream of Diane Abbott there was also a restaurant worker, and he was about to pick up the "snake", when I stopped him from doing so, as I did not wish for him to be harmed. That restaurant worker was wearing a black apron, the colour of mourning, and we are all aware of what has happened in both Manchester and London in recent weeks and days.

What does Tommy have to say about the MP in Luton, Gavin Sukar, have a listen.

Some journalists are excited by the fact that registrations to vote have increased since 2015, and they hope that they are young voters that will vote Labour. However, they don't mention in their articles that the reason why so many people registered to vote was because those that registered chose to register to be able to vote in the 2016 referendum for our independence. I was one of those voters, although I am not one of the young voters that the journalists have in mind, as I voted to leave.

As Nigel Farage said it was our independence day and the leave voters won.

Can you believe it that Corbyn supporters are threatening to riot if he doesn't win in a democratic election. That is an Islamic tactic, that the left have taken on board.

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