
Thursday 8 June 2017


In this video, JRE talks about the future of UKIP.

It's game over John, it's time to be very visible now, our people, UKIP's supporters that haven't registered with UKIP,  will arise for UKIP. 

The Greens and Liberal Democrats have deserted their voters, their candidates are standing down to support non-Conservative candidates in 31 constituencies. 

Actually, I think that this was one of John's best speeches.

UKIP supporters will not waiver, we voted leave, we know when war is on our doorstep, we know when war has to be defeated. UKIP supporters will become a lot more visible. We remember the recession, we remember the "arrests" for speaking of ENGLISH. 

We remember those that tried to close down our freedom of speech. We remember the nursery nurse that is in hospital due to what happened yesterday, we remember the young people in Manchester, we remember the people at London Bridge. 

We remember what Theresa May and the Conservatives have and haven't done since David Cameron took office, we remember what the Liberal Democrats have done and haven't done to defend our nation.

We remember what Labour have done and haven't done to defend our people, while supporting open borders, and more immigration. We remember the "anti-Israel", "anti-Jewish" and "anti-white" ideology from members of the Labour party. We remember their support for multi-culturalism that co-creates cultural genocide. Corbyn supporters are even threatening riots if he doesn't win, perhaps they should go back to school to be taught what a democracy is. 


A new future for Great Britain requires a new party that puts you the people first and it truly did begin with the referendum in 2016, that is when a new future, our fresh start began, when the people of our country chose to take their power back from the EU.

UKIP has defended our people and nation for decades in the EU parliament, it was UKIP that won us the referendum for the people of Great Britain. UKIP are still standing, standing strong, for the people of our nation with an important purpose. 

Zion defends, yes John, we can do a lot with a little. Although the supporters are not little anymore, we have put on weight since the last election, and we have put on numbers as the message spread.

Whatever happens today, we will be stronger still, UKIP is the only party that I agree with. I agree the best for UKIP, it's best times are still to come, and come they will, we can be sure of that.

As I've already said, UKIP's supporters will become a lot more visible, and even the UKIP teams will get the opportunity to meet some of those that have been spreading the word for over a decade. A people's army does exist, an army of people that have been very active in social media.

I don't think that John can say that UKIP were not prepared for this election to be called, as Nigel Farage was talking about it prior to the announcement of it and people have to be ready at all times.

I think what was happening is that there was so much going on within UKIP in its reorganisation, and leadership contests, prior to the election announcement, and that was taking up a lot of time of it's membership. However, we were still on-line, on the internet, campaigning for UKIP and promoting the best of it. 

Yesterday, Nigel Farage on LBC discusses the election today.

What is interesting is that the candidates from the other parties that were standing in my zone, did not even bother to be interviewed by those that they would like to be employed by with our vote. So if they can't be bothered to come to our door to speak to us, why should we even bother to go to the polling station to vote for any of them, especially, when we don't agree with their policies.

So when I can vote UKIP in my zone, I will vote again.

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