
Friday 9 June 2017


Results start to come in, Labour hold Newcastle. Interesting when Corbyn spoke to his followers, he spoke to them, "Ye are many, they are few". Whereas in the Christ teachings, Jesus said of his workers that they are few. Truly, those that do his work are few and there is nothing that Jeremy Corbyn can do about that. For divine work is from above, for above, as above, so below.

I'm not going to speculate on the exit poll, although it looks like Labour have gained some seats and that is not a surprise.  I will be interested in the turn out, as I did feel that it would be a low turn out this election, and I didn't think any majority would be big either way. Before the election I did say that I thought it would be more likely to have a hung parliament.

It looks like Theresa May committed "political suicide", announcing this snap election. Theresa, Theresa, May, May the Remainer, Complainer. I just don't think she's got the experience, Theresa May's background is finance, everything is about finance, what does she know about running our borders, or police force. There has been cut after cut to the budgets at the same time as a population explosion.

Has she ever run a business, I don't think so, it takes more than money to run a business, it takes more than money to run a country. It requires a special acumen to get it right and it requires a lot of intuition and insight. People have been saying do you feed your neighbours children prior to feeding your own, of course not. The point was about immigration.

Others have been joking about the amount of economists the country had in the 60's, just four compared to 1,400 now, and that they still can't add up the bar bill. I thought that was the best one-liner of the election night.

Interesting that the Conservatives gained seats in Scotland, and now there is talk of Theresa May having to have an alliance with the Irish DUP. The Irish are interesting, especially as they voted to stay in the EU, because they thought that is the way that the English vote would go in the referendum.

Business relationships with England and Scotland are important to the Irish. So whatever decisions DUP make, business is a very important factor. The Irish MEP has also been very pro-active at defending Ireland's agriculture too, and I did share a blog post about that specifically.

All day yesterday, I kept on seeing the face of TOKIO MYERS, so just checked into his twitter feed to see what he's up to. He is working on an album. This is such a lovely photograph of him, wisdom's advice to this young man born in London, stay out of politics and stay focussed.

As TOKIO soars to international stardom, while the politicians fight it out with Jeremy Corbyn calling for Theresa May's resignation.

TOKIO's joyous face is the real talent of 2017, and many children are telling their parents that they would like to be like Tokio. What an inspiration he is, truly heaven sent. The young man that won a scholarship to attend the Royal Academy of Music and went onto win Britain's Got Talent. If only those that represented us were as committed as this young man as been to his music and talent.

So what about UKIP, UKIP are launching some new initiatives to move the party forward, and they still have a very strong and important presence in the EU parliaments. Our wonderful MEP's, Nigel Farage is also saying that Theresa May should resign, and he is coming back. 

BREITBART Media and Rebel Media in Canada is also soaring, never give up, never give in. Our lovely MILO is also ready for his new book launch. 

Angela Merkel is putting TTIP back on the table, and G20 in July, is the next big event that impacts on our nations while decisions are made about BREXIT. If Angela Merkel got her way she would continue to make the "poor, poorer", as Maggie Thatcher foretold.

As Maggie said, 'BUY BRITISH", that's difficult to do when the shops are swamped in shoes and sandals made in China. While China and the oil rich nations have been getting richer on the backs of the poor in the UK, the people of the UK have been getting poorer.

The Chinese product in the UK, isn't cheap either, and our people are not being offered a reasonable alternative to purchase. You have to give people a choice, because given the choice, people would not buy Chinese. Even Chinese garlic is banned in the UK and in America. Was that to protect our agriculture, maybe. We have enough of our own garlic, in fact, I am even growing my own. 

So what is for lunch, I'm having a tuna fish sandwich and some UKIP cake that I made last night. It includes seeds, walnuts and dates. Lovely.

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