
Friday 9 June 2017

DUP IN 2017

It was on the 29th of May, 2017,  that I had the dream of Teresa and in the sharing the election was mentioned.


No Theresa we did not vote for a long term relationship with the EU. We voted in the referendum to leave the EU. Marriage with the EU is over now, all you have to do is agree the settlement, or just walk away. 

News today is that Theresa May, will be working with the Irish, the DUP, a new and serious relationship gives the majority that Theresa requires to move forward. Elizabeth has been seen, the new government is being chosen, and Boris is staying.

It is worth pointing out that originally, in 2016,  the Irish said that they had voted to remain in the EU due to their business relationships with England and the Irish thought they we would vote to remain, so they were advised to do so too.


However, the Irish now know that the English did not vote to stay in the EU, the majority voted to leave in June 2016, and the majority must be adhered to any democracy. Otherwise you don't have a democracy to stand on, or a constitution that is worthy of the people.

As Jesus spoke of it, the only law worthy of the people is the law that brings freedom. Always remember that.


UPDATE  12th of June, 2017. I found the original blogpost that mentions Jesus giving the green energy of the clover. I remember doing a painting of it too. That was last december.

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