
Saturday 10 June 2017

Gad Saad and Imam Tawhidi

Lebanese-Canadian, Jewish Professor Gad Saad has a chat with the Australian Imam Tawhidi that has made international news due to him saying that "Islam is a religion of war". After that Gad Saad invited the Imam to have a chat. The Iraqi-Australian Imam agrees that Islam has to be reformed and he questions at least 90% of how the Arab text is interpreted.

This Imam says that Israel belongs to the Jews and he has been threatened because of his point on this. "Death threats", are not funny. He also says that his emails have been hacked.

This Imam says that he is financially independent and is not dependent upon the Islamic centres that fund it's people to support it. He gives that as a reason why more Muslims won't say that Israel is for the Jewish people. It's financial, if they come out and support Israel, he says that Muslims can suffer financially. The Islamic incentive, is a financial incentive to keep people silent. However, integrity cannot and does not remain silent as yours truly has proven. Love could not remain hidden, for as it is written, it is better to be disciplined by love than for love to remain hidden.

The Imam offers some clarification as he views it, in the chat, he mentions Moses and Abraham, and Gad and Tawhidi discuss "the perfect man", and the "infallible", as Tawhidi views it. My response to that view is that even Abraham had to be shown love as it is written in Micah 7:20.


The 72 virgins comes up in the discussion, LOL, I thought it was 72 white grapes. It is also important to make the point that in Islam, Muslims are not allowed to live in non-Muslim lands, and that is one of the reason that Muslims try to impose their beliefs upon the country that is invaded with economic migrants. At least this Iraqi values western culture and what it has provided to many of his people, how much better off many of them are than if they lived in an Islamic country. 

Although we have to admit some Islamic countries provided a lot more for their people than western culture does, Libya is a perfect example of that. Whereby they didn't pay for any of the essentials of life an living it, nor did they have to pay for education or health prior to Obama and Clinton destroying its leadership that Nostradamus foretold. Libya is also mentioned in the biblical prophecies, so we did it see coming, although people in the west tried to stop the war. 

Some more information on Gad Saad.


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