
Monday 22 May 2017

Yom Yerushalayim 50th Anniversary

Jerusalem Day, 24th of May, 2017. It is a public holiday in Israel. 

25th of May is the new moon in Gemini, and Trump is a Gemini.


While I was making olive bread rolls the LORD our God was so happy, he said happily, Yerushalayim, Yerushalayim. He's happy when I am cooking. 


What else have I been cooking, walnut and coffee cake, yesterday apple and almond cake. Cake with nuts in it is traditionally Greek if you look at the history of cake.

He also spoke of the vegetables, and I like making different vegetable soups. I also like fresh herbs in a salad, remember the dinner of herbs prophecy.

Have you thought about your herbs for Jerusalem Day, how many different herbs are you growing, what trees do you have, and do you have a vine to sit under as mentioned in Micah 4. For Joseph is a vine that can climb over every wall. The last time that I was in Israel, I did indeed climb over the wall, on the landing that takes you up and over it.

If I was going to make something for you Israel, I would spread the paint for your 50th anniversary, and I would make you something to eat that signified my right hand giving you length of days. For what is greater, glory and honour or length of days, I say length of days.

Israel always in my heart. Hopefully, I will return again to you one day, may Hashem make it possible, shalom.  It is miraculous to yours truly, that Israel again flourished beautifully during my lifetime. Truly, it has been God's will for the Jewish people.

The 50th anniversary is certainly a lovely anniversary. That means that the last time that I was in Jerusalem, Israel, that was their 40th anniversary year. Clearly, they knew the significance of that, although I can only see it now. When I think of Israel today, I become very sentimental, tears come, the greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes. Maybe because it is the 22nd of May today, the day that we blessed the sea of Galilee.

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