
Sunday 21 May 2017


This post is in honour of the work that Andrew Breitbart did during his life, it is also a reminder of what he stood for.

His best mate now finds himself in Saudi, and Steve Bannon doesn't look very happy. You know what Andrew Breitbart would be saying to Trump and the Saudi's don't you. 

What I can tell you is that the godly are forbidden to go to Saudi. There is actually a war going on in Saudi at the moment, the Sunni's -v- the Shia. The Islamic war has been going on for 1,400 years, they can't even make peace with themselves.

In this video is a news report about what is happening in Saudi right now, and let us not forget the Saudi war against the people of Yemen. I don't think Ivanka would be so happy if this was happening to her home and family.

20 years ago I tried to talk to English lawyers about this situation, they shrugged their shoulders, about the "Islamic barbarism", and they responded "it's their culture, and nothing to do with us". Like it was a million miles away from our culture and reality. As we know it arrived in Westminster recently, on the steps of our own parliament. It took that to happen before metal detectors were installed in London. 

An ex-BREITBART journalist, Ben Shapiro.

Monday the Trump entourage arrived in Israel and Trump spoke of a "Muslim World", the truth be known there is no Muslim or Arab world. So world leaders should stop using that terminology.

How would people feel if Trump spoke of a Buddhist, Christian or Jewish world, that wouldn't be correct either.

The biblical prophecies are clear in Micah 4:4-5, "Everyone will sit under their own vine, and under their own fig tree. No one will make them afraid, for the LORD Almighty has spoken. All the nations can walk in the name of their gods, but we will walk in the name of the LORD, our God for ever and ever".

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