
Sunday 21 May 2017

Abolition of Britain

Peter Hitchen's disenchanted by socialist politics, wrote a book called "Abolition of Britain", and it certainly sounds like a book for the family library.

In it he argues that British schools ceased to teach British history, or the literature of Britain's past. It's a book that discusses the cultural changes within a political landscape, the influence that impacted upon the morality of the country.

His conclusion is: "The puzzle is why this country of all countries, free, generous, just, democratic, cultured, honourable in its dealings, should have won the enmity of so many of it's own citizens".

Interesting today, that the Tory lead has decreased to 9%, a month ago they had a 25% lead. I think it is clear that the British populous does not like the ex-home secretary. As she is the dregs of Cameron's cabinet. The Conservatives should have had a clean sweep, out with the old, and in with the new, instead of trying to hold onto the dregs of what had already been in office.

Even the Conservative membership didn't get to vote on their new leader, so I am not surprised that there are a lot of people that are not supporting Theresa May.

Peter Hitchen says he's given up on politics and the Conservatives. A man that once wished to destroy them to improve them, has now given up.

Although his books remain to remind his children in future times, why he was saying what he was saying to them.

Peter, is clearly a Christian, and did his utmost to defend the Christian view. The socialists certainly react if you mention two words, "Cultural genocide".

The last time that Labour were in the cabinet office, I had been commissioned to work with families and design and implement training modules for health and education workers. That was a very long time ago, health and healing appears to prosper more when the socialists are in charge in the UK.

There are a lot of Christian socialists in the UK, although I wouldn't count Tony Blair as a socialist, he's more like a Conservative infiltrator. I didn't like Tony Blair, and I don't like Theresa May either. I quite like the honesty of Jeremy Corbyn, although I don't like some of his colleagues.

I also don't like the fact that Corbyn was always against going into the EU, being in the EU, until it came to BREXIT, when his position changed completely.

I don't like the Liberal Democrats, due to what they did, and I don't like the policies of the Greens on immigration etc. I'm not left with much to choose between.

I think we should have a lot more independent MP's standing for election. Our representatives should be beyond politics and political division.

Mark Collett on Theresa May

Nigel Rodley Human Rights

Constitutional Human Rights and the Supreme Court

What I will say in response to Peter Hitchen's conclusion is that "bullying the poor", whether it is the Labour Party, the Conservatives or Liberal Democrats, always backfires upon them. Politicians and the rich, cannot expect to be able to "bully the poor", and get away with it, the poor can be very unforgiving of politicians that don't listen to the people.

Time after time, politicians didn't keep their promises in their manifesto's. As such, many people just stopped voting because when people vote, they like to vote for what they believe is the truth, many people vote with their conscience. That's why the majority voted in the referendum to leave the EU, people were compelled by their hearts to try to save their nation.

We cannot have a situation whereby our indigenous people are outnumbered by foreigners in our own country, that is what has happened in London, our own capital city, where I was born, politicians have done nothing to stop the cultural genocide. Least of all Jeremy Corbyn that supports even more immigration.

The UK has numerous towns and cities that are ancient, they were not built for mass immigration. They were not built for huge housing estates, the roads were not built for it either. The UK does not have the infrastructure for mass immigration, and that is why our people are suffering beyond measure. It's not just about austerity, it's a lot more than that.

Did you know that 28% of Muslim immigrants are living in social housing, and did you know that Theresa May is proposing to sell off even more social housing. We know what happened last time that the Conservatives sold off social housing to win the Labour vote, the Tories took the money and didn't reinvest it in more social housing.

That is one of the reasons why we don't have enough housing now, The Tories sold it. Then they have the audacity to say that they would like more of the green belt to build more housing for the overpopulation in the UK.

In the 70's, 70% of the British population had grown up in social housing, so the importance of social housing to our people cannot be underestimated. Don't underestimate the importance of our NHS either, those of us in the know, know what all the politicians have been doing to that too.

None of them are innocent of privatising the NHS. Remember how friendly Richard Branson was with Tony Blair, yea, now look at his involvement in British healthcare. So-called socialist Richard Branson, is a privatiser, like he made sure that our telecommunications and railways were privatised, so that he could get a chunk of our national assets. They must think that we were all born yesterday.

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