
Sunday 21 May 2017

Jason Chaffetz Getting His Life Back

The highly respected Jason Chaffetz is retiring from political office and he explains his reasons why, and it includes his wife and family. It is often the case that when a man gets to his age, they review where they've been and where they wish to go for the rest of their lives. 

I do remember that my dad did the same review, and made the decision to put his wife and family first, even though his children had grown up. Now he wished to have more time to spend with his grandson and his wife. Jason mentions the importance of getting out while you are the top of your career, he also mentions the road blocks that he has faced in trying to complete the investigations that he has been involved in for years. He is happy that he has managed to bring to the fore the major issues that the American people face. 

It is not an easy job to do such work as Jason has been involved in, especially when you are faced with such opposition. However, he rose to the challenge, and he certainly stayed on it for as long as he could. He says that the Republic will survive without him, and does not depend upon him. 

Whereby he knows in his heart that his wife and family do depend on him as a husband and a dad. 

So what does scripture say about such a change? It is written that if you give your life for Jesus then the time comes when you are given your life back. I will leave it to you, to decide if this is such a case. Certainly, in the case of the Son of Joseph, he decided it was time to put his family first, for he had done enough, and had given enough to help others. He knew that his family had suffered due to the work that he had been involved in, and he said, "enough is enough". 

Jason does have a health issue with his foot, and in that interview he mentions that he is unable to stand up for it. There does come a time in your life, when you have to put your own health first too. 

Being involved in politics and public life is costly, in many different aspects of your life, including economics, it can be very costly, and sometimes the cost is too high. 

Another reason why a lot of businessmen and women don't go into politics. Due to it not being financially viable when you compare it to what you can achieve outside of politics. Remember what the LORD said, "Politics is the bane of your life". 

At the start of that interview, he had tears in his eyes when his family are mentioned, there is clearly something very serious that he is very concerned about - and it could be health wise. 

I think the man deserves to have some time out, he's done some brilliant work to help the American people, they know what the issues are, now it is up to others to complete what he started. He certainly has my respect for what he has achieved, he is a remarkable man that gave it his all.

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