
Sunday 21 May 2017

Senate Hearing Bill C16

These videos on the senate hearing on Bill C16 in Canada. It's an important issue when the law is involved in gender and the academics respond to the minority that are impacting upon the formulation of the law. I have listened to these testimonies, due to the importance of this and it's far reaching implications.

A response after Bill C16 passed.

The guys say that Canada cocked it up due to them passing Bill C 16

What did Jesus say about the eunuchs and gay community? He spoke of the importance of healing.

He was fully aware of the Isaiah prophecies about it, it's clear that he embraced what Prophet Isaiah embraced in his words that are written in Matthew 19:12, Isaiah prophecy 56:4. Matthew 11:23 mentions the healing miracles that should have been given to this community.

Were you brought such a person for healing? I was, I was hired by a person prior to him coming out, that is how we met. He approached yours truly.

We became close friends and he did follow my recommendation to train as a Reiki healer, he also went to the next level of training and became a practitioner.

After his Reiki healing training, we spent a lot of time discussing the advantages and disadvantages of transitioning prior to him sharing with his friends. While I was staying with him and his family, Jesus appeared before me when I woke up that day.

Some rejected him, I didn't. I shared with him that my love did not change, there would be no judgement from yours truly, in his case. Whatever form he chose to take for his soul, I would still be his friend.  I did my best to reassure him that I would always be here for him/her whenever he or she required my help.

He began the hormone treatment to change his physical, although the last time I heard from him, he had decided to stop the treatment, and not pursue the transition. I think he made the right choice for him.

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