
Tuesday 23 May 2017


It was hard to get an internet connection today, obviously all lines are busy due to what happened in Manchester last night. I have to be faithful by reporting that the night before what happened in Manchester, I did write a testimony of warning in response to Jonathan Pie and his Jeremy Corbyn supporters.

Every comment raising the issue of immigration and cultural genocide was deleted, removed from the comments section. I even recommended that they read Peter Hitchen's book titled "Abolition of Britain", published in 1999.

Media reports claim that Jeremy Corbyn is winning in Wales because the socialists are winning the social media war. They're not winning when they have to result to closing down freedom of speech and stop people from sharing the truth and the facts.

It was in 2007, when I was compelled to warn the British politicians that they had to put a stop to immigration immediately and bring our troops home to defend our own people. The testimony of warning, included what would happen if they did not do so.

A decade later we find ourselves further forward in witnessing the Islamic jihad, with what happened on the steps of parliament recently. And now the children at the concert last night. Warnings have also been issued to keep your children out of and away from large venues, especially entertainment venues and large shopping malls, otherwise you are sitting targets.

My voting options arrived today, to be honest, my heart of conscience wouldn't let me support any of the options on offer. So this post is not about supporting any political party, I am just pointing out the facts of recent days, for as Archangel Michael so rightly said during the Rev 12 timeline, "The point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping".

The MSM have been praising Muslims for giving free rides and free food in Manchester last night, as we know the taxi drivers in Manchester are Muslim. MSM are talking of the unity of the people in Manchester and praising the brothers of what looks like another Islamic attack upon the British people and their children.

As soon as I heard the MSM talk of "Unity", in this context, it reminded yours truly of what Ivanka was saying in Saudi about unity. The godly do not go to Saudi, they are forbidden to go to Saudi.

Today, Rebel Media have been in Manchester to do a report on what happened last night, and they found themselves amongst armed police officers legging it through Manchester City Centre.

Manchester Arndale was being evacuated, Tommy Robinson and Caolan Robertson are on the scene and they report that Manchester is certainly on edge after what happened last night.


Some people are saying that the attack last night has been for political gain, Islam is political, very political and the sooner people wake up to that fact the better for everyone. As the LORD said, "Politics is the bane of your life".

Rebel Media will be uploading reports on last night, in the meantime, my condolences to family and friends of the people that were in harm's way last night. May those that are injured and are in hospital make a speedy recovery.

A heartfelt response

I think the UK is in shock right now, the last that I saw, some parents are still looking for their children.

Theresa May said that the man was born in the UK, Paul Joseph Watson said that his family had come from Libya as refugees. "An unarmed school friend of the Salford University dropout told The Times Abedi had just arrived back from Libya, a country where terrorist training is available from jihadist camps. 

'He went to Libya three weeks ago and came back recently, like days ago', the friend reported to have said. It is believed some of the family visited Libya recently and a 23 year old man, understood to be a family member, was arrested today. Trustees at Didsbury Mosque said Abedi's father, who used to be a regular worshipper, had returned to live in Libya".

At 23 years old his brain hasn't even fully developed. Apparently, a woman at the scene had spoken to security at the concert hall about a Muslim woman that kept on smirking and looking at the area where the bomb went off. Nothing was done by security to follow up on the report.

They ask the general public to be vigilant, so then why don't they act upon it. If the home office knew he had been to Libya, and had dropped out of university, why didn't they have someone on his tail.

Libya reminds me of the Nostradamus Hannibal prophecy. Gadaffi had a son with the name of Hannibal. The quatrain is C2.Q30. There we have the number of 23 again, the same age as the man that has been arrested.

"One of the infernal gods of Hannibal,
will cause to be reborn, terror of mankind.
Never more horror, nor worse days
in the past, than will come to the Romans from Babel".

The history of Manchester and it's connections with the Romans.

Tommy Robinson gives us his report on the vigil in Manchester and he said that it was very powerful.

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