
Friday 5 May 2017


In May 2006, I was about to get on a flight to Israel and I bought a copy of New Scientist. In it there was an article that shared that scientists had discovered that cuts in childhood mutates genetics, and allergies and skin conditions are often the outcome of the cuts. In my own family medical history, I know that to be truth.

Then today, scientists are saying that they have discovered what is triggering eczema. Newcastle University say that a "missing protein called filiggrin is responsible".  Can we say, contradictory research? I think we can.

Also scientists should be very careful how they use the word "trigger" and saying that the protein is at the root cause.

My view is that the protein could be a contributory factor in some cases but it is not the whole story.

How do we know that? I have witnessed serious cases of eczema that have cleared up after attending a two day Reiki healing training course and receiving Reiki healing treatment from their teacher. In addition to some self-development work. There was no requirement for pharmaceutical drugs!

We know scientifically, that Reiki increases the oxygen in the blood by up to 30%.

Also we know for a fact that some skin conditions clear up completely if people spend time sunbathing. That is one of the reasons that some people moved abroad to hotter climates.

In fact, a doctor once said to yours truly, that if he had my skin condition, he would definitely move abroad to a hotter climate. When I lived in Australia for a year, over 90% of the skin condition healed up. I sunbathed for up to two hours most days of the week. Olive skin definitely requires the sunshine on it, and I have olive skin. So skin type can be another factor too!

What else does the Aramatheopist have to say about it?

The skin conditions are also mentioned in the ancient texts, the prophet Moses and the prophetess Miriam both had a skin condition. The arm of Moses became as white as snow. Is that why it is written that Moses didn't circumcise the children after they left Egypt?

It was Joshua that introduced circumcision again and the deeds of the fathers impact upon the next 3-4 generations. So some children can be born with mutated genetics, then it get's mutated further if children receive any cuts after being born.

Children do have accidents, while growing up, that is a fact of life. Although operative procedure would also have the same impact as any cuts that are unintentional. It is seriously not just about a protein, and whether you have that protein or not!

In the letters of St Jerome he also mentioned how they stopped teaching the spiritual law in Egypt because some Egyptians were "maiming" themselves for transgressing it. As such they were cutting their own flesh, that the biblical teachings warn against.

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