
Friday 5 May 2017

Paul Joseph Watson on the "OK" Hand Sign

Paul Joseph Watson gives his response to the"O" hand sign, in response to the media's response to it.

We require a lot more alternative radio in the UK Paul, the truth has to be shared with the people because there are a lot of "opinions -v- truth" and there are radio presenters doing their utmost to close down freedom of speech at the same time as the MSM. 

If you mention putting a stop to immigration, they're immediately "triggered", if you mention UKIP, they're immediately "triggered". If you mention "Cultural genocide", they're immediately "triggered", if you mention what has happened to towns in the north of England, they "trigger", it's hard to have a conversation with anyone in the media, when they're "immediately triggered", in such a way. 

If the British public knew the truth about what has been going on in the NHS, I don't think that the Conservatives would be gaining so many votes in the local elections. BREXIT has certainly been in the forefront of many voters minds, although even that wouldn't make me vote for the Conservatives that have been dismantling the NHS for a very long time. 

Glad to hear that some people are suing the MSM, it's time to start suing the local councils too for implementing a regulation that the supreme court has decided is both "illegal" and "discriminatory". The judges have come out against what the Conservatives have done to the "disabled" and poorest of our nation numerous times. As such, people have to pick up at that baton and run with it.

It won't be long now before we have the second report from the UN too. The report that calls out the Conservatives again.

What does Paul Nuttall have to say about the local elections and the role that UKIP played in it?

"If the price of BREXIT is a Tory advance after taking up this patriotic cause, then it is a price that UKIP is prepared to pay".

Paul, the privatisation of the NHS, is too high a price to pay! Another £22BN in cuts are being implemented without the involvement of the general public in the decision making process.

What's going on in America? It's the 5th of May isn't it?

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