
Friday 5 May 2017


What did Paul Nuttall have to say about the local elections and the role that UKIP played in it? He wrote that "If the price of BREXIT is a Tory advance after taking up this patriotic cause, then it is a price that UKIP is prepared to pay".

My response to Paul Nuttall!

In or out of the EU, the Conservatives have still been privatising the NHS, that is a price far too high to pay for the people of our country. What is happening to our NHS is heartbreaking, so no reason to smile Paul Nuttall!

Theresa May never put a stop to immigration either, never closed our borders, passport control knew who came into the country, they didn't know where they went after that!

If Theresa May couldn't even run that properly, how do you honestly think that she can run a country?

So the electorate voted for the Conservatives as another BREXIT vote, and another no to immigration, in addition to, trying to stop Labour.

There was a low turn out at the polling stations, a lot of people not interested in local elections. Of course, the Christians always vote. It's a sad day for democracy, when people have to vote a specific way to keep a whole party out, rather than vote for the right individuals that they really support in their hearts. At least in the referendum people were voting with their hearts.

The whole situation smacks of a conspiracy, just like the conspiracy of the Conservatives that have systematically been privatising our NHS. Like they did with our state industries that includes energy companies and telecommunications. What was the outcome of that? Increased prices!

Already the Conservatives are talking about extending the age of retirement further, increasing the cost of N.I. They're talking about cutting pensions, and making pensioners pay N.I. until the day that they die.

They continue to stand against the "disabled" and the poorest of our nation with their regulation that became known as the "bedroom tax". The judges of our country stand against the Conservatives and what they've done. Referring to it as "illegal", and "discriminatory".

People in the UK pay up to 73% in direct and indirect taxes, and the Conservatives are after even more. The politicians bled our people dry financially, and salaries have not increased in real terms since the late 80's. The less money people have, the less they are able to put it back into the economy!

At the same time as the MP's received two wage rises, while our people suffer austerity due to the impact of immigration upon our nations. Enough really is enough Paul Nuttall!

What other news is there from UKIP?

Deputy leader, Peter Whittle is standing for South Basildon and East Thurrock in the general election.

Perhaps the plan is for UKIP to gain some MP seats as a payback for handing the local elections over to the Tories.

Did you receive a visit from a UKIP candidate or a leaflet from UKIP? Did you see any PR in your local press about UKIP in your area and who was standing? From what I have seen so far, UKIP did not invest the funds to make the local and national impact that they could've done. Campaigning requires financial investment, where was it UKIP? Where were the financial backers?

It looks like you've been saving it all up for the general election!

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