
Saturday 6 May 2017


In this bible code video, Matityahu Glazerson shares what he found in the bible code and it mentions the date of 5736 = 1976 for the end of time.

It was in the mid 70's, that the last days of the end times began in my calculations too. In 2009, an article was distributed sharing how I came to that conclusion and the article was also published on-line.

The mid 70's, is when the Egyptian Arafat and his men decimated southern Lebanon and bible prophecy is against what those Muslims did in that timeline to the Christians in Lebanon.

You will also see the numeric of 7 + 5 in the bible code video. So we have 1975-1976.

The bible code mentions ELIYAHU and MATITYAHU, HARI, and REUVEN all in the same timeline.

Hari is the name of a leader that was assassinated. Rafic Hariri, assassinated on the 14th of February, 2005. He was the Prime Minster of Lebanon, and the spiritual Israeli's shared with yours truly, that Israel really liked this man. He was viewed as a friend of Israel. 

He was killed along with 21 others in an explosion in Beirut. 

The bible code shared mentions RIPS, RIP for Rafic Hariri and those that passed over with him.

It's no coincidence that it was the following year that my work with Israel began. The fruit of love, the fruit of lips, could not be delayed for anyone, the helper was sent to Israel. Interesting that I was compelled to take fruit with me with many seeds. My fruit and seeds that sustains yours truly while travelling. 

I had been prepared spiritually for such a time, at the end of the 90's, I was taught how to live out of a suitcase, and was told that I must be ready to go whenever directed and instructed by the divine to do so. In May 2006, I spent five weeks on the land of Israel and returned again the following year, in September 2007, for two weeks. My name is written in the records of Israel, they know who I am, as it is written, Zion defends. 

Did you dance in Israel? I had the pleasure to do so. 

While I was in Israel, there was an Israeli man that spoke up, and he ensured that I was allowed to speak what I had come to say, and do at the gathering. Ever thankful for his presence at the holy gathering, for sure, he was heaven sent.


So what happens now? British journalist, Milo is suing the American publishers in New York for $10M, and is launching his own media and publishing company. Let the legal challenge begin, and best wishes to the new Milo Inc and his mission with freedom of speech. 


Original artwork, 2016 

I remember in the 2016 dream of Milo, we were going to a LGBT party. In the dream he picked up my left hand, and I took my hand away for a moment, and then he picked up my left hand again. So what is important about the left hand? In the length of days prophecy in my left hand is riches and honour, and Milo has gained $12M of financial backing. 

MILO was born in Athens, and his new company is being established in Miami, Florida, so the "Kyriacos" painting is also appropriate for this blog post. 


Original artwork, 2017.

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