
Thursday 4 May 2017

4th of May 2017 - Kevin Costner Dream

This morning I had another Kevin Costner dream, he was wearing a beige jacket and trousers. He looked older and thinner, but happy to share. Kevin Costner in his third age and his youngest daughter is grace. In this video he shares about his children, and the story about his youngest is funny, she keeps him on his toes.

It was a joyful meeting in the dream and lots of chats and smiles as we walked together. It's an interesting day to receive this dream, as in the UK, we have an election today. There are 4,851 council seats being contested in England, Scotland and Wales. Voters in various parts of the country will also be choosing six new metro mayors.

These local elections offer an opportunity to give a clear message to the politicians and it is often the case that the people vote tactically in these local elections. The dream does remind us of a message of respect that Kevin Costner gave to the British people, and voting, engaging with democracy, is about respect for democracy and defending it. As my dad used to say to yours truly, people died so that you could vote, so make sure that you vote today. I registered to vote again for the referendum in 2016, I stayed registered to continue to vote.

I've had a real connection with Costner since the mid 90's, that was when he appeared before me for the first time. I've seen him many times since then, and the power of love is always strong in him. His energy has always been reassuring since his first visit. He has always been a Spirit of Reassurance in my spiritual life. The Spirit of God manifests in many different ways to give the message that he would like you to receive. 

He was wearing beige, walnut colour. The walnut tree is a strong tree with a lovely fruit. I remember I was wearing that colour a lot socially, when he came into my life and I do have some beige to wear today. 

Do you remember the Joel "Day of the LORD" prophecy? 

"And afterward I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions". Joel 2:28

In dream interpretation, to dream of a famous person, signifies that you are to keep on trying, keep on it, because you will receive help from an unexpected source.

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things".  Philippians 4:8

"Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all" Proverbs 31:29. 

Long Hot Night in 2009.

So what's to eat today? My day began with Greek yogurt and water. For lunch, I shall have some homemade walnut dip, a green salad covered in English hemp oil, some Cambozola cheese with some blueberries. Delicious, fruity, and refreshing! 

What else is happening today? Some Reflexology and Reiki healing with a Christian healer. For as Jesus said, where two are gathered in my name, there am I. He is so happy, when his healers work together. 

"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them". Matthew 18:20 

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