
Friday 19 May 2017


I've just read that Sir Nigel Rodley KBE passed over in January, 2017. He was known largely within the international human rights movement. Some have even written that he was one of the founding fathers of human rights. He was the Professor of Law and Chair of the Human Rights Centre of Essex, and a Member of the United Nations Human Rights Committee.

I remember Doughty Street

It's astounding then that a British university has been so heavily involved in the development of human rights law, yet it is almost impossible to find a human rights lawyer in your local area, and nor are people aware of that fact.

If you phone the Law Society for access to a human rights lawyer, they will give you a handful of names and telephone numbers. When you call those numbers they then tell you that they don't have a human rights lawyer.

Not just in the area where you live either, those solicitors tell you that they don't have one in the whole county. If you complain about the fact that the information they gave you has to be improved, so that people receive accurate information, they then tell you that it is up to the lawyers to keep the Law Society informed.

Something that they are not doing. The Law Society think that they have human rights solicitors available in the counties, when they don't.

Shouldn't the legal profession be concerned by these facts, and the fact that the only people that can attain a human rights lawyer are those that can afford to employ a QC? I've been saying for a long time, where are the human rights solicitors to defend the poor?

The LORD is saying to me that the British justice have an obligation to provide a human rights service to everyone, whether they can afford to pay for it or not. He's big on that word 'OBLIGATION".

There is another case in the news today, a carer that has been in tears while speaking to Theresa May on LBC, as she told Theresa May that she will become homeless due to the Conservatives "death tax".

Theresa May has never been homeless has she, does she have any comprehension of the amount of pressure rich people are putting upon the poorest of our communities, I don't think so. I don't think she cares either.

I've met a few women like her during my lifetime. There are so many human rights contraventions that the British government are involved in, that they would be forever in court to bring justice to our people. And just for the record I don't think that Labour or Liberal Democrats are any better. I might have voted Green in the next election, had it not been for their immigration policy, we have to close the borders immediately.

We have to reinstate legal aid, and we have to have human rights lawyers available in every town and city of the UK. We have to have a proper defence for our people that are suffering immensely. It is an obligation of the government to provide a defence for the people, whether they like it or not.

It should not be the case whereby people have to beg on the internet for funding for a legal case because the British government and it's justice system isn't doing its job properly in defending it's people.

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