
Saturday 20 May 2017

Mark Collett on Theresa May

Mark Collett shares the truth about Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn, both of them promoted to remain in the EU. This is the woman that plans to try to attract the Labour vote by offering to sell off more social housing stock. While Theresa May was in charge of the home office, 650,000 immigrants, the highest levels ever were let into the UK the year before BREXIT. Listen to more of what Mark would like to share with you.

What do other voters have to say. People are "angry".

A different viewpoint, Peter Hitchen's view. Peter says that she's more like Angela Merkel than Maggie Thatcher. That's true, Maggie Thatcher was a businesswoman, Theresa May is a career politician.

In this video, Peter Hitchen says that he has given up on his ambition to destroy the Conservative party to improve it, in fact he has given up on politics altogether. Although he will give his response if asked for his views. 

2017 Election 

I looked at the Green party and they are so out of touch with the mood of the country, the Green's would like to increase foreign aid, and immigration. Goodness gracious me, our existing people don't even have a proper justice system in place to defend our people against the contraventions of the law that the British government implement. Legal aid is negligible, there are no human rights lawyers to speak of - to defend the human rights of the people in our local communities.

Pensions are being removed from our people, taxes continue to increase, at the same time as politicians have had increases in salaries, while the people have had to suffer austerity measures. The people in the UK live in the smallest spaces in Europe, England is overpopulated, and they would like to build on even more green belt land. People in the countryside are arising and saying no. Our countryside is essential, so are our trees, trees are required for oxygen and clean air to breathe.

One might ask where is the moral compass and integrity in the existing arena of this country and where is the mercy and compassion for our own people? From what I have seen on-line, people haven't forgiven the Liberal Democrats for turning against the disabled, and students etc. In fact, many people don't feel compelled by this election at all.

When people like Peter Hitchen's gives up, just think about how others in the UK feel about the status quo. People have been watching our countries be destroyed in front of their eyes and under their noses, cultural genocide.

Everything that people cared about, the NHS, our nurses, doctors, education, everything that people worked so hard for during their lives. People are heartbroken to witness the destruction of our people, country and culture. What I can tell you about the UK, is that it's real people, the indigenous are in great distress. That is really the heart of the matter.

I read today about another stabbing, a young 20 year old, was leaving the cinema in Romford with his girlfriend. So young, at 20 years old, my heart of love goes out to his family and friends at this time, what can you say, no words can replace him.

That is the 14th incident in four weeks. Is it any wonder that people are distressed with everything else that the people of our country have had to cope with; due to the quality and standard of the leadership of successive governments.

Ultimately, the responsibility is on the doorstep of number 10, for the breakdown of our communities and culture, career politicians don't live a real life and that is why so many of them are so out of touch with the realities of the real people. Isn't that what Jesus was saying 2,000 years ago, that the leaders were not listening to the people!

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