
Saturday 20 May 2017


In this video from 2015, Dr Mark Elliott from Cambridge University responds to the governments proposals on Human Rights and where we are now with it. He explains that there is opposition to the changes that government would like to make. In the UK we do have oversight in the highest court in the land, the UK Supreme Court.

The Human Rights charity, LIBERTY in London gave their response to the government's plans in 2014.

The Supreme Court that has decided that "Regulation B13" is both "illegal", and "discriminatory". If you mention B13 to legal practices and people involved in Human Rights, they are not immediately familiar with the term. However, if you say "Bedroom Tax", they immediately know that it is a national issue. 

The UK Supreme Court consists of people that were taken from the House of Lords and given a separate office, in so doing that puts them above and separate from politics. The Supreme Court are not political appointments and they listen to barristers that present their cases to the Supreme court for the final decision to be made. 

This makes our justice system more like the justice system in America, whereby judges have oversight on what laws and regulations are introduced and how they are implemented. 

Whether what parliament decides is actually lawful, in the case of the bedroom tax, the Supreme Court made the decision that it was not. People in the UK should really be asking how can an "unlawful" regulation be introduced in the first place, and why so much effort and money has to be utilised to bring the government and parliament to account. 

If parliamentarians were fully aware of human rights law, if they lived in integrity, if they had a moral compass wouldn't a great deal of cost be saved in the running of our country, I think so. 


While the system discusses the cases over different laws, the people that are suffering austerity are dying due to laws and regulations that should never have been implemented to begin with. Therein internationally, people are viewing the "injustice", and are asking how successive governments can get away with what they continue to do against the poorest of the nation. 

It is in these cases that the supreme court has a very important job to do, as life and living it, depends upon the decisions that they make. Especially, where the poor are concerned. Justice is indeed a thin line to walk. The court cases held at the Supreme Court are filmed for national record. 

In the case of the armed forces, the supreme court decided that based upon the law, servicemen in active service abroad are not protected by human rights law. Did they come to that conclusion due to the fact that not all countries have signed up to international Human Rights law, probably. 


May 2017 

Ultimately, the Supreme Court, holds the government to account to ensure that whatever government is elected does in fact implement the rule of law. It is right and true that only an independent court can make sure that laws are rational, fair and just in the applicable constitution. It is the responsibility of the Supreme Court in the UK, to ensure that whatever government in is in office, that every government lives up to the international signed agreements of human rights. 

It is an obligation by those elected, to implement that which is international law to defend our people. It is also an obligation that everyone has access to a human rights lawyer whether they can afford to pay for it or not. If you can't find a lawyer in your local area, then do call Liberty in London on their advice line. 

Human rights should be discussed with all children in school and at home. Parents should be aware of their human rights so that they're able to discuss it with their children. People have to be aware of the law before they can drive a car, the same could be considered to be essential prior to having children. 

For children have human rights too! 

68% of the people in the UK now support leaving the EU. People that support leaving the EU has increased and is continually doing so.

Nigel Farage tells the EU that their "bullying", isn't working. I would say the same to Theresa May, the Conservatives "bullying" of the poorest of the nation with "Regulation B13", isn't working either. 

Don't even think of "bullying" the Brits, for there is huge repercussions for doing so.

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