
Friday 19 May 2017


Great news today about Julian Assange and the Swedish case against him. Congratulations to Julian's QC's, and thank you to all of the help that UN gave to this case, thank you to all of Julian's supporters for continually supporting him. International pressure was kept on for his release.

News media in London are waiting for Assange to appear on the balcony in victory.


Although as the RT report shares with us, there are still some hurdles to overcome with the UK and also with America. At least things are moving in the right direction to attain his freedom.

God willing, he will be able to walk freely sooner rather than later.

The 19th of May, is the "Day of Persuasion" in numerics.

Remember this America, "Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a fattened ox and hatred with it". Proverbs 15:17.

It is written that Julian was born on the 3rd of July, 1971 and that is the "Day of Commemoration".

That means that he is a Cancer water sun sign, and the year he was born gives us a north node soul journey in Aquarius the water carrier, the humanitarian. As we know, herbs require water to grow. Eat plenty of fresh herbs and vegetables Julian. Get some colour into those cheeks of yours.


MAY 2017

The greater the love that you have become, 
the greater are the causes.

In this interview with Ben Griffin, Veterans for Peace, it is mentioned that Julian is seeking asylum in France. Both Julian and his supporters have said enough is enough, the UK must respect a safe passage for Julian. The British police warrant is a small hurdle compared with the Americans, because Assange is not going to stop publishing.

Even if the Americans had Assange, it would make no difference because Wikileaks would still carry on publishing. So let him leave the UK in peace to go and be with his family, it has been a long seven years and this dad would like to see his children.

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