
Wednesday 31 May 2017

Mercury trine Pluto for Shavuot

Time to see what the planetary energy is up to with Mercury trine Pluto. What is happening in your life today, in my life, one door is closing, and another door has already opened. 

Interesting that Donna mentions Archangel Michael in this video and I know him to be strong on communications and sharing the truth. The Rev 12 timeline came to an end in December 2008, although it overlapped with the Micah 4 prophecies.

So new beginnings, the way is clear for yours truly to move forward. Routine is mentioned with incoming Virgo energies, and I view Virgo as the planet of perfection. The Gospel of Philip also discusses perfection and interesting that one of the local UKIP candidates mentions backing him in this forthcoming election. Certainly, there is a lot of communications going on at this time, and from what I have seen so far, UKIP candidates are sharing truth in their local area.

The association with health is also important, particularly to do with our NHS, and caring profession at this time. As far as routine is concerned, last night, I returned to putting oils under the soles of my feet after bathing. Coconut oil on my hair, head, face and neck, nurturing the self in my third age.

I have some home made olive bread rolls and some carrot cake, so next I have to consider what other nutrients my body requires today. Fish, vegetables, fruit, and herbs. For yours truly it is day for inside and outside, with both in alignment, and Donna is certainly aligned with the planetary energies relating to actions that are being taken.

My Virgo is in Pisces and I am a person that tends to go with the flow in my home life, although I can be a perfectionist in anything in areas to do work and or career. I tend to roll my sleeves up and get on with it. So when your pleasure becomes your work, and your work becomes your pleasure, if you have Virgo in Pisces that can be a balancing act, as in juggling everything in your life so that it meets your satisfaction.

I have noticed that a lot of people are not satisfied with many politicians due to them not putting our people first, my advice, listen to what they have to say and watch their body language before you make a major decision that will impact upon your life.

That has come across very strongly in the communications that I have watched this morning, the people of our country "dissatisfied" with successive governments due to the sheer numbers of people that are in "distress".

This timeline is about making sure that everything is in order of importance, and it is a time to make sure that your priorities are correct, and remember that wisdom is proven correct. They tried to make this election about BREXIT, Theresa May thought she would get a bigger majority, remember the saying, don't count your chickens. In today's news, it mentions the possibility of a "hung parliament", BREXIT has already been voted on, it is already a legal document. A lot of people are "speculating" on the impact of BREXIT, when people were told clearly to stop speculating.

I have achieved a lot this week, have you, so now today, I prioritise again for what is most important to get done today. Do you prioritise every day on what is most important in your life, and do you review at the end of the day, what you have achieved. One day at a time, at this time, in this a nine year in my life cycle, 9 being the numeric of divine love and completion.


In June, I have more meetings with the medical profession, onwards and upwards and today is a day of communications, I have the moon under my feet.

There is a Jewish holiday today and tomorrow, Shavuot and it is a time for lighting candles again. Interesting that I was compelled to buy some more last week.

So it is carrot cake and olive bread rolls for my Shavuot treat, plus whatever other delicious delights that I fancy this holiday. As my gran used to say, a little of what you fancy does you good. On Jewish holidays I like to have some marinated herring and or chicken liver pate. I did cook some chicken liver pate this week, although I put half in the freezer for a different week.

Sometimes my appetite is hard work, and I have to do everything that I can to ensure that I have enough nutrients. Length of days we are on it, I do like my dates, apricots, and other fruits. My veggies is aubergine, tomato, carrot and courgette and sweet peppers.

What are you growing, are you growing olives, tomato's, sweet peppers and chilli peppers. Are you growing herbs, my favourite herb at this time is coriander and I really like it in salad.

Some people are saying that God puts a nation above any individual, is that true? Prophecies prove that God puts his healers and prophets above any nation, who does he feed first, ponder upon it. First he feeds the spiritual that honour him, always remember that Elijah was fed and provided for.

Elijah, the healer and restorer. The people that left with Moses were also fed on their journey in the wilderness, Jesus also told his healers that they would be provided for, they too would be clothed and fed, given somewhere to stay, given shoes for their feet, and money to finance them.


Is that Jewish video correct, there is a lot of poverty in Israel, although there is also a lot of fruitfulness too, there is a lot of spiritual people in Israel, a wonderful spiritual community, a great community of healers. In fact, what I found in Israel, is that spiritual people were willing to travel further, they were willing to go that extra mile, to gather together and unite. I found the same in Australia, and Italy, wonderful spiritual communities.

Isn't it the same in a majority of nations, look at America, a huge amount of poverty, while other countries were getting richer, some countries were getting poorer. The UK used to be the 5th richest nation, I read the other day that it is now the 7th. It just goes to show that multi-culturalism and it's cultural genocide, cost the nation a lot.


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