
Tuesday 30 May 2017

My Carrot Cake

Following on from the message about the vegetables, yesterday I made a carrot cake with a difference, I included some poppy seeds and sesame seeds in my cake mix and I put some walnuts and sultanas in my cream filling inside the cake and on top of the cake.

Why are poppy seeds so important, they metabolise quickly and help with reducing any physical pain that you may have.

So whatever I make, I make with healing in mind. Whatever I eat, I eat with healing in mind.

This weekend I had a coriander herb salad with mozzarella cheese and salsa on the top. I had some smoked mackerel with horseradish. Egg mayonnaise, and some potato salad. It's great to have those herbs with love with it, the power of love beyond measure, the power of the healers. Do you have healing hands, placed upon the food that you make and eat, how wonderful is that.

I made some homemade chicken liver pate for sandwiches with cucumber, lovely, with loads of garlic to keep the colds away. It is rare if I ever get a cold, as I eat a lot of garlic, I eat garlic daily, my body likes garlic very much, I am even growing some too.

What else did I make this weekend for my health, I made some more olive and garlic bread rolls, the bread of life with walnut and olive oil in the mix with some poppy and sesame seeds too. Delicious.

Make sure that you have plenty of flour and oil, as we are making lots of new recipes with the vegetables and herbs, nuts and seeds.

What else is happening, the election, Jeremy Corbyn has said that he would reverse the bedroom tax, when it has been reversed already. The Supreme Court has already decided that the bedroom tax, known as "Regulation B13" by the lawyers, is both an "illegal", and "discriminatory" tax.

The UN will also be slapping their latest report onto the British government too this year, that will be the second in-depth report on what the Conservative have co-created. As the Supreme court have already decided what the Conservatives  have done is "unlawful".


So who would you vote for? I'd vote for UKIP if I could in our local area.

The best thing that Jeremy Corbyn could've done is promise to bring back legal aid, and provide our people with human rights lawyers. At least then our people could defend themselves with the help of solicitors.

I don't think our country can afford to nationalise our state industries, although the figures could be interesting. If you had the choice what state industries would you nationalise?

The first thing that I would do is stop the Conservatives and their additional £22BN of cuts to the NHS plus cancel the continuation of their privatisation plans. Have you heard of the STP's? If you haven't I recommend that you do your research, because the Clinical Commissioning Groups are making decisions upon your behalf without consultation with the public in your local areas.

The Guardian report on life under austerity, shall we call it Conservative "poverty for the disabled". You can understand why the UN department for disabled people has done another in-depth report.

That Guardian report mentions Islington in London, you would think that Jeremy Corbyn would've made sure that the people in his area are provided for. Surely, he has lived there long enough.

I don't have a TV or buy a newspaper, although if I did, it definitely would not be the Guardian.

Why's that you might ask, I will let Caolan Robertson explain.

Even after the French election, the views of this blog from France are still huge in comparison to other countries. 

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