
Wednesday 31 May 2017


Last night while looking at the archives, I came across a post of a vision that I had received of an Arab, and with it a message from the LORD. "ROSHAN". That message was received on the 8th of March, and later that day, the military hospital was bombed.

I looked into Roshan again, and found one of the telecommunications companies in Afghanistan has foreign investors in it, the name of that company is Roshan. Hence, last night on this blog, I included the link to Roshan on the original blogpost. You can check it out on this link with the  timing.

Then the following day, there is news from Kabul, that the German embassy has been bombed. The French embassy and Chinese embassy. Thats a big space for one car bomb isn't it.

At the same time as the German embassy has been bombed, students in Berlin have been trying to block a student from Afghanistan from being deported.

Some tears today, how can we in the west come to terms with what some Muslims do, we cannot. Today, I saw two women in black burkas, while I was wearing shorts and a sleeveless tee-shirt in the summer weather getting some fresh air to my body, a little walk, a little exercise. Then you see what has happened in another country, another bombing, each day, each week. Of course, it brings tears to the righteous healers that live in the love beyond measure.

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